Conspiracy theory???

by Rip76 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Whack jobs!!! The Illuminati controlled the world in 1933!? OJ didn't kill his wife and her friend?!? It was white supremacists?? Let me get this straight: White supremacists kill two white people so that a black guy can spend the rest of his life playing golf?? Holy shit, why wasn't THAT one obvious from the start????

    OJ innocent? Oh, yeah, THAT'S why he's spent the last several years so aggressively tracking down those white supremacists or whoever it was that framed him, like he promised when he was acquitted. Shit, man, didn't you follow the trial?? You might have noticed it was on TV a little bit. Yeah, I think some of the cops fucked up with the evidence, but anyone who thinks OJ is innocent - especially with what we've seen since the trial - is simply a whack job.

    And the moon shot was filmed on a soundstage?!?! Amazing how all those scientests all these years have just kept so quiet about it.

    I think the lack of "neural density" in some of the posts here is rather remarkable. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dumb.


  • Amazing


    "I seem to remember during the trial that a preservative chemical was found in at least one blood sample from the crime scene. This implies that the blood was extracted from OJ into a blood-sample test tube (with preservatives) and then put at the crime scene. Do you recall any details about this?"

    Yes. Also, the amount of blood taken from OJ that was missing from the tube was the amount found at the crime scene. The blood taken from OJ was supposed to be booked upstairs at the Crime Center, but instead was taken for some reason out to the crime scene and delievered to one of Mark Furman's associates who had it some time before turning it over to the Criminoligist. This breach in handling the chain of evidence is very serious.

    The Defense 'proved' this aspect in court. Also proven was the bloody sock added to OJ's bedroom ... the evidence log was tampered with, and the video footage with time and date display proved the sock was added to the scene.

    Mark Furman was proven a liar, impeached as a credible witness, and then retired. He was a known White Supremists associated with the Idaho Aryan movement. He moved to the same area in Idaho upon his retirement. He was later convicted for perjury, but plea bargained for no sentence.

    The Aryan movement that Furman was associated with had a renegade member who gave clear evidence to Robert Wirth who published it in the book, Blood Oath. He took this information to the LA District Attorney who refused to consider it. The strange thing is that the Defense team also refused to use Wirth's material.

    The bloody glove incident, for example, is too neat, too convenient that one glove is left at the scene and the other is left at OJ's back yard.

    Notwithstanding this, the evidence proven in court, and revisited again during closing arguments showed beyond doubt that dirty business was done via tampering with evidence and planting evidence. Even if OJ had been guilty, no reasonable Jury could convict him on this fact alone. There is too much reasonable doubt.

    The only fly-in-the-ointment against OJ was the missing piece of luggage that he left behind in Chicago ... for this does create circumstantial concern that he may have been hiding something. All other issues were properly dealt with by the defense.

    The book by Wirth documents testimony given by the Aryan member who gave details that only a person associated with the crime would or could know about. And his full testimony provides a very compelling basis to conclude that OJ was set-up, and the purpose of that set-up was to instigate another round of racial war in Los Angeles, with the goal of spreading the same to the rest of the country.

    One example of the Aryan set-up was to get inside OJ's house. They mention things that only a person familiar with his house would know ... including their interactions with the house maid. Notice that when she was questioned, she changed testimony, and promptly moved back to her latin American country. She was scared.

    OJ's Bronco was tampered with, and an additional identical Bronco was used in the crime ... and the witness was able to give time frames that made sense, and explained matters in no other way.

    The witness also gave out details to Wirth before they became public or were used in trial ... such as the timing of knocking on Kato Kalin's wall to attract his attention, etc. and ...

    Finally, the Aryan renegade was on the run, and had to remain hidden because his 'brothers' were out to kill him for leaking the conspriacy.

    I am not saying that what was told to Wirth is gospel, for it could be a good gag. But, it was so compelling as to explain all the loose ends, and provide evidence not made public that only the real criminals could have known ... that it is hard to ignore it, and certainly gives me reason to be neutral about OJ's guilt or innocence until the day that the truth comes out, whatever it proves to be.

  • LDH

    I don't much accept conspiracy theories, but I will tell you there was a program on TLC or Discovery or something that explored the topic of whether we went to the moon or not.

    It listed about ten facts as proof that we DIDN'T go to the moon. Stuff that I had never thought of before, but when I examined the evidence it made good sense. I'll try to find the links or other info.

    Also, on the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs and whatever else, I chalk it up to a bunch of rich bored people playing games, nothing else.

    If you are a real believer in CT, though, take a look at this website. The people that told me about it are POSITIVE that the Governing Body are all members. I could care less, but it's interesting reading.

    They're called Builders of the Adytum. Their website is at

    And coincedentally, they use the Tetragrammaton extensively as well as other 'Satanist' symbols.


  • SYN

    Hey, take it easy, Seeker, I didn't even mention ONE conspiracy theory this time! Good grief...


    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • Seeker4

    Pass the Prozac. I have a friend who is absolutely into conspiracy theories, so I deal with this stuff constantly on every level. She brags that she can find a hidden connection between any two objects, and I think that says it all about conspiracy theories. The problem I find with them is that they so seldom make sense - the end result seems absurdly out of all proportion with the conspiracy effort.

    And it also assumes collusion among a huge number of people, many of whom have to then act as though they feel the opposite of what they are conspiring about, and NOT ONE of the people in the conspiracy ever slips up or has a change of mind.

    Sorry, NO organization functions like that. Even Bethel, where all the true believers feel they are doing God's will under his direct guidance, has people who leak information to ex-JWs and outright "apostates."

    Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen. Genuine evidence for them is scarce as hen's teeth. They simply defy logical thinking.

    "The strange thing is that the Defense team also refused to use Wirth's material." I think that simple sentence says it all. Not a bit strange!


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