Is There a Liar in London Bethel????

by The Searcher 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    It's come to my attention - via someone who attended Mark Sanderson's televised talk to the U.K - that an Elder's wife was upset at a blatant lie by a Bethelite speaker, prior to Mr. Sanderson making an appearance.

    It seems that the "supporting act" from Mill Hill - Mr. Paul Gillies - informed the nationwide audience that the Britain Branch was waiting for planning permission for the new Branch, and would provide updates when news came in.

    It turns out that Mr. Gillies was lying, in order to let the governing body member get the prolonged applause later, for announcing that the permission had been given the day before!

    Naughty Mr. Gillies!!

    I spoke to you on the 'phone about 3 years ago regarding the Org's relationship with the political/military O.S.C.E.

    You slithered like a snake then, and you're still slithering!! (Revelation 22:15)

    Liar, liar, (tight) pants on fire!

  • Phizzy

    Gillies has been caught in a blatant lie before,and has made a career in recent years in speaking half-truths, and being "economical" with the truth.

    The man is is a Corporate Snake.

  • cantleave
    Paul Gillies has been disingenuous on numerous occasions, notably with regard to shunning disfellowshipped family members being a "personal choice". Lying stunt!!!
  • Alive!

    Telling lies, twisting truth - seen it, heard it - it's all part of the JW culture.

    It's pervasive.

    Some days, hours - I could die.

    Just had a text from a sister overseas who is visiting a friend dying from cancer, she said how the love and support is keeping our mutual friend in wonderful spirits.

    Every day I fight a cancer of my heart - alone, bereft of familiar human comfort.

    And she knows it.

    We lose our lives for searching the truth. Wait, more accurately we lose our lives for rejecting lies.

  • cofty

    His job description is to lie to the media on behalf of the GB.

    He is very good at it.

    I used to be pals with his younger brother. He was/is a decent bloke.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    @ cofty -

    Paul "forked-tongue" Gillies was deleted/jumped from his Public Information position at Mill Hill last October.

    I gather that his new assignment is connected with building work. Still dealing in tall storeys! :)

    Career, pseudo-Christians like him never jump from the heights they've wormed their way up to, so I'd bet my house on it that he was pushed - for expediency, in view of the pending Charities Commission inquisition.

  • Splash

    To be fair, it was nothing more than a staged gimmick.

    First we're told we're all waiting.... Then we're told the wait is over!
    It was quite polished as a corporate presentation.

    I can think of more serious issues they've been deceitful about

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