I posted Cedars vid on Gerrit, higher education and OCD on my real jw friend's facebook pages . Greetings from Norway to GB and Gerrit! Love from Healthworker

by Healthworker 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Healthworker

    Diest: "...seeing what happens"

    Yup, I think that is the best way to learn in life. We can be inspired by reading, but the only way of "knowing" important things about life is by doing, making an crazy experiment or a healthy one. Thanks for your encouragement:)

    Christ alone: "skip the meeting and just df".

    Situation now is that my jw friends get personal update on what the elders do. I forward any message from the elders to a common conversation on Facebook. Either way, I expose them for an unloving sheperd arrangement which threatens people to silence. I don't believe in threats, I believe in love and some other stuff as well:)

    Love bro Healthworker

  • Healthworker

    Hi, brothers!

    Latest statistics on the facebook posting of part 1 and 2 of Cedars excellent series on Gerrit. 25 days after posting part 1 and 16,5 day after posting part 2:

    - 65 % of my jw friends have unfriended me on facebook.

    - 83 % of my remaining jw friends have either part 1 or 2 or both vids of Gerrit alive & kicking on their facebook pages.

    - My JC is coming up next week and the charges against my are based on Rom 16: 17,18.

    I told the elder that formally gave me the charges, that I did not cause any division among the brothers. I only had to put the record straight after Gerrit held his unscriptural talk over here in june 2012. So in fact it is MR Losch who has brought division among us. I also said that he and his fellow elders are killing our brothers by the unscriptural ban on methadone and the ban on some blood fractions. One of my friends died because of their stand on methadone, one year ago. I also said that he is brainwashed and that he does not understand the basics of the Bible and how to live as a Christian. At first he got upset, but later on he became a little sad. Anyways, it has been a tough time for my wife and myself. Our health have been okay and we keep up our daily routines with work and taking care of our parents and friends. Fortunately we have made up after one nasty argument that almost took the best out of me for 2 weeks. Now I am happy to have her by my side.

    I was hopping that Cedars would celebrate my rumble in the jungle next week by realising part 3 in his balanced and honest series on Gerrit Losch!

    God bless you all!

    In Christ

    Love from brother Healthworker

    Love from brother Healthworker

  • cedars

    Thanks healthworker, I'm sorry you've been put through so much grief simply for posting this video on your facebook page - but you seem to be keeping in good spirits still.

    I'll see what I can do about a third Gerrit Losch video, but I'm not promising anything because his talks are EXTREMELY boring to listen to!

    My offer to write an article about your problems with the elders over the video still stands. People need to know how paranoid and petty the Society has become in these matters.


  • Healthworker

    Thanks Cedars!

    They dont seem to use the Gerrit posting as the reason of me causing division. Instead they say that I have shown in some of my statements that I do not believe that the GB is lead by God. So the elder asked me yesterday if I believe that God uses the GB. My reply was that I simply cannot say that for sure. But that I believe that Gerrit is mentally sick maybe suffering from dementia and that he should not travel the world with his crazy talks. He did not defend Gerrit with any words and he is probably a little ashamed of the whole thing. So officially they will probably not use the posting of Gerrit's talk but rather my critical questioning of the GB and their ability to reason. I pretty much wrote my own article about the GB and sent it with Mail to some other jw Facebook friends with your vids attached!

    About your the article; that may be possible. Right now I am fighting to keep my mental, emotional and physical balance. It's been tough, but I have managed to get rid of the exclusive jw mindset and my relations to other people have improved. I feel good when I can show my patients, my family and friends unconditional love and support!

    Love Healthworker

  • Sauerkraut

    Hi Bro,

    I'm sad it's come to this, but also impressed by how brave and courageous you've been. Keep your head up!

    "So the elder asked me yesterday if I believe that God uses the GB. My reply was that I simply cannot say that for sure. But that I believe that Gerrit is mentally sick maybe suffering from dementia and that he should not travel the world with his crazy talks." That is priceless!

    Remember: they elders have no real authority, they're just willing puppets.

    Best wishes Bro!


  • Healthworker

    Thanks Kraut!

    Yup, liked that comment myself. I hope they send out an arrestwarrent for that guy. He has many lives on his conscience.

    Its really great to say what I feel and just experience their shock and surprise. They just cant believe it. They are used to rule with an iron fist and not be verbally executed by rank and file.

    Love Healthworker

  • Tylinbrando


    Thank you for posting this drama as it unfolds. There are so many going through the same pattern of tribunals all around the globe. It would be amazing if they could all be collected here in detail. By the courage of others we are all strengthened. I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Healthworker

    Hi Tylinbrando!

    Thank you for your kind words! That means a lot to me and gives me strength to keep up my spirit! Love Healthworker
  • mercedes_29


    Just read the posts. I never knew there were so many people out there interested in the reality behind the witnesses until this forum.

    Keep up the fight! Don't let them get the best of you.

  • Healthworker

    Hi, Mercedes!

    Thanks for your encouraging words! Means a lot!

    Love Healthworker

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