Apostasy Trial - Part 4

by RayPublisher 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freydo

    You know, the more I think about jw's the more they remind me of Islam. 90% of the organization is clueless.

    The top 10% are wolves in sheep's clothing that suppress knowledge and truth and turn the 90% into fanatic supporters

    who like Muslims who can only quote from their Holy Books, that give credence to the Torah, but have their own agenda,

    jw's can only quote from their approved WT Holy Books that do likewise or face expulsion ie death for disloyalty, creating divisions, or apostasy.

    Also sounds like Masons.

  • C.O.B.E.Beef

    Wow Ray , you have been through so much. Thank you for sharing this. Im so ashamed that I have been on the other side of the table too many times, regurgitating the same propaganda in the name of "love". Any good traits and good intentions of these men are inaccessible to them when momma WT is challenged.

    This video could help alot of people. Thanks and keep your head up bro.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    marked for l8r

  • RayPublisher

    @COBE - Well I talked about you and your "stealth elder brethern" quite a bit during my 3+ hours so you're welcome!

    I DFed way too many in my ten years of elder time, and I estimate I sat in on close to 200 of these "late night" meetings and probably kicked out 25 or more people. I have prayed about it and asked forgiveness and that's all I can do. You are awake and so have the unique opportunity to help in ways I never could. We all need to Fight the WatchTower of Power!


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    freydo: ‘who like Muslims who can only quote from their ‘Holy Books’

    Comparing the Watchtower publications to ‘Holy Books’!

    That is the damnest truth.

    I hadn’t thought of it that way but now that you mention it-especially is the ‘WATCHTOWER’ magazine treated like a 'Holy' writing among JWs. You don't dare speak against it!

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Great job Ray. Perhaps someday those elders will have their own crisis of conscience. The elders are simply policy enforcers for a Printing Corporation, they've been misled from the true meaning of the scriptures. I find it shocking how a loyalty test to the "slave" ultimately determines if you'll be spiritually stoned or not. They're demanding that you place your loyalty and faith in imperfect men.

  • flipper

    Wow. Double wow. Fantastic job Ray of exposing these empty craniumed elders. Amazing. A few quotes I thought noteworthy :

    Elders : " like it or not this is Jehovah's organization ". I mean how arrogant can they get ? Reminds you of school kids going " nah, nah, nah , nah , nah we're better than you ! "

    Elders : " this is as good as it gets ". " We're imperfect ". Where have we heard THAT before ?

    Ray : " If you think that you are the only ones serving God that is the height of arrogance ". Awesome quote by Ray - these elders needed to hear this.

    Elders : When asked about the overlapping generation by Ray they state, " it's something we just have to have faith on. " Then the elders admit " we don't have the answers to your questions " . Talk about contradiction.

    Elders : They continue the inquisition by asking Ray, " Is Christ the head of all religions ? I'm asking your opinion . " Trying to entrap him.

    RAY : he comes back and asks , " Is Jesus your mediator ? " Elders answer: " Absolutely, through the faithful slave ! " Ridiculous answer.

    Elders: Continue their accusatory tone stating to Ray, " Then you go when you start putting doubts in people's minds about God's organization ".

    Elders: After Ray tells them that many elders are releasing copies online of the elders manuals one of the younger elders in disbelief states, " I don't believe they're elders. " I guess ignorance is bliss , or denial isn't just a river.

    Elders : Now this statement really angered me when the elders tell Ray, " you are witnessing to WARP PEOPLE'S MINDS ". I got so pissed at that I wanted to throw a pizza in the fat chairman elders face after that and make him clean it up ! Stupid $hithead.

    Anyway Ray you handled it beautifully and should be proud of how you stood up in a dignified manner and showed who the REAL true christlike person was . And HOW a person should act when they are being verbally chastised and assaulted. You never know. Someday one of these 3 guys may think about some of the things you mentioned and may start having doubts themselves. Truth be known- I bet at least one of them already has doubts and secretly agreed with you, but out of saving face in front of the other two elders would never admit it out of fear of retribution. Thanks for providing this youtube Ray, very well done ! Just remember we are here as friends and a support to you, O.K. ? Keep your chin up and hang in there. This youtube will help countless thousands of people to see what REALLY happens at JC meetings and exposes the WT society's mind control tactics more fully. And thats a good thing to protect people from getting involved with the Witnesses in the first place ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Hey Eric..

    I`ve seen part 3 and 4 of your story..

    I`ll go back for the other 2 parts..

    You did unbelievable..You tied them up in knots..

    The mediator thing was just excellent..

    Not even the Catholic Church has announced Their Pope has replaced Jesus..

    The WBT$ has 8 Governing Popes who have Replaced Jesus..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • carla

    You were just great! watching this makes me so angry though, I will have to finish it later. I wish I could box up my jw and send him to you to, maybe you could makes some headway with him.

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