Help! with forum abbreviations please

by Mr Ben 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Help! I need help understanding all these forum abbreviations! Things like:


    Would you kindly reply with one or two abbreviations that you are familiar with and their meaning.

    TIA (Thanks In Advance!)

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Perry

    Mr. Ben,

    These are secret ranks within the Unseen Apostate North American Directorate - UANAD

    You will be discreetly approached when committe feels that the time is right.

  • Englishman

    ROFLOL = Rolling on thefloor laughing out loud,

    ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off.

    FARKEL = Farts and rips Kleenex every lunchtime.


  • Ranchette

    This is what they mean to me.
    I may be wrong though.

    LMAO="Laughing my ass off" ,

    ROLFMAO,= "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off"

    ETC= etcetra.......

    I used to think Lol ment lots of love but here it means
    "laughing out loud."


  • Angharad

    It took me forever to figure out what bttt meant

    Back to the top.

  • belbab

    LOL Laughing out loud

    LMAO Laughing my ass off

    I think you have spelt the last one wrong, or I don't know what it is.

    ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

    Bttt Back to the top, with a post.

    WTBTS Wrong Tired Binder and Tractor Sorority

    JW Joe Who?

    ExJW Divorced Joe Who.

    What others do you not know?


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    Yes, yes, yes???? (Eagerly anticipating...)

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Ah, I have to run now, but please continue to add to my little glossary. Thanks all.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • peaceloveharmony

    hey mr ben, here's a few more:

    btw, by the way
    otoh, on the other hand
    imo, in my opinion
    imho, in my humble opinion
    imnsho, in my not so humble opinion

    some for chat:
    brb, be right back
    wb, welcome back
    bbl, be back later
    bbs, be back soon


  • 2SYN

    DUB - Dynamic Ungulate Betty, (English: Easily excitable cow.)
    WTBTS - Wet Towel on Backside, The Sign!
    For Great Justice - See
    BTTT - Bring Tits To Thread, see LB about this, he is our in-house expert.
    WWJD - What Would Jehosophat Do?

    Edited for formatting!

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

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