by DATA-DOG 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Well, I narrowly escaped a JC. It was eerily similar to Raypublisher's meeting, although not a JC. In the end I attended because I had to see certain things for myself. I am not saying everyone should do this. You have to be very careful, and bring up any subject as though you are a confused sheep. Believe me, one false step in a situation like this and you WILL BE DF'D. It was also very clear that one Elder in particular was just hoping for some tidbit of information to use against me, this was definately a further attempt to flush me out if he could, or provoke me into being disrespectful. No dout if that had occured then " brazen conduct " could come into play. I was able to record the entire event. I will have to teach myself how to clean up the audio, or just make a transcript. Perhaps I can share certain bits and pieces. I will till you one thing, these men, although well meaning are totally deceived. They are drones, and parrot what they hear. Only the GB's interpretation matters, as these ones are the epitome of spirituality in the minds of JW's. It was very eye opening. Hopefully I can now begin my fade in relative peace. Thank you for your support and advice everyone.


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