How old does someone have to get, to gain immunity for blood-guilt for being a part of JWs?

by King Solomon 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Threads arise were elderly JW's are discussed, and we see thoughts that it's OK to be a JW if it makes them happy, or that it would be cruel to tell them TTATT after having spent their entire lives as a JW.

    On the flip-side, other threads discuss teens who commit suicide after their immediate families (including their own grand-parents) shun them, as does everyone else in their KH. The outrage rises to the point where the tendency is to accuse anyone who's a part of the Organization of sharing in the blood-guilt. That actually makes sense to me: JWs claim that even being a cook in the military violates the neutrality principle, since it frees up someone else to carry a weapon; hence being a member of the military in ANY CAPACITY is sharing in the blood-guilt. Fine. But goose, have you met gander yet?

    So, that raises a few questions:

    What is the cut-off age after which someone doesn't share in the guilt of the Society and they earn immunity, a "free pass"? Is it 40? 60? 80? How old do they have to be to not be held responsible for the "crimes" they shared in as a member of this cult?

    Does their having shunned others as part of their responsibility of being a "faithful JW" make them more or less worthy of your sympathy, and the willingness to cut them some slack?

    Thoughts, please....

  • sizemik

    Funny that . . . I had been entertaining the same thoughts.

    There seems to be a reasonable argument for both sides, but the bottom line for me is . . .

    The personal benefits of a whole life spent in joyous service to the WTS and dying all satisfied and happy, need to be weighed against the fact that it's a life spent supporting the existence of a dangerous cult with countless destroyed lives left in it's wake, and an ocean of blood on their hands. Seperating the two is a response to the CD that this uncomfortable fact generates.

    I personally cannot look upon a life spent that way as having any merit beyond the personal benefits to the individual. I could say more in defence of a hooker.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Sol, really, again? I think your question is unfair. I hear what you are saying. But, let me ask you, of what benefit would it be to "Awaken" someone who has maybe a few years left of life? You really don't see that as being cruel to them? To tell them or to prove to them they have been lied to and deceived. I'm sorry, Sol. I've always hated to be lied to, but in this case, I wouldn't want to know the truth.

    You already know where I stand on this subject. You also already know my position on shunning.( You're probably not asking me, anyway LOL)

    And, I'm not saying what the cutoff should or shouldn't be. I don't know. I can't play with your scenario, Sol. Maybe others can answer your question.

  • kimbo

    When they leave the cult and not before ..

  • LostGeneration

    That is a tough one, especially how you have framed it. I think of my own Grandmother, 90+ years of age. She still thinks the big A is oh so close. She worries about me constantly. I have gently expressed my feelings, that I have no fear of Armageddon, and that I expect to live to 90+ just like her.

    But of course I have not slammed her with the false prophecies of the WTS. Why? Am I a chicken? Maybe, if you look at it from a purely logical stance. But we are not purely logical creatures, we have deep and strong emotions, which temper our behavior with those we love.

    While I agree that each active JW shares a tiny bit in the sins of the society, I can't see how slamming such ones will really bring about change. An age for immunity? I don't grant them that, I simply consider them victims. If a victim cannot/will not see that they are such, no amount of argument on my part will convince them of such.

  • braincleaned

    Huh. Not an easy one.I am totally on board with the comparison between the WTS's military thing, and the fact that we may apply the same for those who by shunning, may have participated in someone's suicide. Um... I ended up attempting suicide.

    So I FUCKING KNOW WHAT Guilt these passive bastards have.Good post King Solomon... permit me to calm down. ugh... fucking WT pieces of SHIT.

  • braincleaned

    Shunning is a CRIME. there is no little frail old lady that makes me tear up if she has been guilty of following the organisation SHE CHOSE! I survived... and I can hug my kids... others were not so lucky. The WTS is guilty on so many levels, like this and the blood issue... I can't wait for their fall. And by god they will, goddammit.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    A aged JW who has spent his life damaging the lives and families of scores of recruits deserves to know what he has done before he dies.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Bloodguilt. Is that a concept outside the JW org? Or is just a concept inside the JW org? Is it the same thing as guilt by association?

  • WTWizard

    Problem is, the answer is never. Remember when you had to dedicate your life to Jehovah? Did they give you an expiration date for that dedication? Did they give you any conditions where renouncing that dedication would be upheld in heaven or in the astral? I can remember mine, and they did such a thorough job at sealing out any escape clauses that I feel I will be held to that dedication, even in the next life. Even death doesn't release you from your dedication to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag!

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