Less Perfect, Less Communication?

by eyes_opened 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • happytobefree


    You are a great thinker. Those are the kind of questions, that make you go HMMMM. And it relates to back to your question about Time. If God's day is a thousand years, then we wouldn't be that imperfect.

    and TW,

    I was told the same thing by the elders, and basically I went broke entertaining. And this is a can you believe the nerve story. One sister ask me to make potato salad for a luncheon she was having for the circuit overseer, but told me she was sorry I could not attend, because she already had the number of people she wanted to invite. I can only tell you, I was stricken with sadness and tears. And I declined the offer of making potato sald. But as I think about it now, I should have made it with added ingredients, lol. Nothing like a good case of E coli.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • eyes_opened

    LOL Happy! I've been going around singing "Things that make you go HMMMMMMM, now for the past two days!!! That is hysterical that you said that! Maybe We're psychic too. Guess we'll have to add that to our list of heinous offenses, hehehe. <having a Dionne Warwick, Miss Cleo moment>

    One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth

  • RedhorseWoman

    TR, No S.H.I.T.? You're a big S.H.I.T. at S.H.I.T.? Wow! I am impressed.

    Eyes, I LOVED that Noah skit....and also the one about the Lone Ranger and Silver.

  • eyes_opened

    Brother Larc, I'm afraid I need to be shown the way! <can't find the heresy thread LOL! My sense of direction in the virtual world is as bad as it is in the real world!> Which section is it in? Thanks!!!

    One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth

  • larc

    Dear sister eyes,

    Brother Larc will gladly show you the way to truth, light, the way to make good pizzas. Go to the top any page and move over to the item called "most active" and go click on your computer thingy. Yes, then will see a list of all subjects in the order of the last postings. Scan down until you find Heresy of the month, not to be confused with Hershey of the month, which is a chocolate eaters club. Click your computer thingy again and you will enter a world of spiritual bounty.

  • larc

    Oops, it's called "active topics" at the top of the page.

  • eyes_opened

    Amen brother Larc, you are indeed wise in the ways of the forum! I am now on my way to the path of enlightenment! Thanks be to Larc, He who directs the lost, the weary, and the just plain silly

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