Do they think we are going to say I told you so?

by Xanthippe 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Xanthippe

    Yes I have to say Phizzy after reading some of the posts on here for the last month I am beginning to see that the doublethink that some choose to believe is entrenched. Like those of my family who have been in for decades.

    My brother and sister, still in the JWs, can't have children. When I left, IVF was totally wrong because some embryos are always discarded and this was viewed as murder. Now this rubbish about donor IVF being adultery! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that. Now though, if my siblings were still young enough and didn't need donors apparently it is a matter of conscience! But they are too old now, that ship has sailed. New light, what shite! Yet still they keep trotting along to meetings!

    This is not just academic to my family, not just another Watchtower article. The WTS views have taken away any possibility of my brother and sister and their partners having children. This has caused them terrible emotional pain. They have to bury their heads deeper and deeper in the sand to block out the pain of what waiting for that 'bus that will never arrive' has done to their lives. No wonder they don't want to acknowledge the existence of my daughter, their niece and they act as though she has never been born.

  • tornapart

    For many leaving is not really an option. Born-ins who have reached their mid life, have parents, siblings, spouse, children and grandchildren all in. No friends outside... the alternative is total isolation or else trying to start all over from scratch. Many deal with it by quietly believing what they want to believe, doing/not doing what they want and not allowing anyone else to dictate to them. It can be done, even if it's hard.

    Phizzy said: " They have invested all their lives in something that is a scam, to admit that , and say in effect "I am just the biggest fool" takes courage and humility."

    It also takes a long time to come to terms with, with many roller coaster emotions along the way.

    He also said:" The rewards of acknowledging TTATT are just awesome, freedom previously undreamed of, self -respect, and many good, true friends who have travelled the same road."

    This is also true.. that's why this place and others like it is so great. Even having friends on the other side of the world and only available by electronic means is still very very valuable! If I didn't have these friends to keep me sane I think it would make me go crazy!! So thanks to all you guys!

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