Should Dub's seen doing street witnessing be shot on sight to put them out of their misery?

by darth frosty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Working downtown today and I just saw two groups of JW's doing street work. The 1st pair was a coupla young brothers who reminded me of myself when I was young and dumb.

    The 2nd set was a couple older brothers (guessing 30 or 40's) doing the green mile walk of death. I mean these 2 cats were walking at speeds reserved for those 73 and older.

    I was driving and slowed my speed down to observe their reactions as they passed 2 approaching pedestrians. The 1st was a woman on the heavy side...they did not say anything to her.

    The 2nd I could see was another woman who I did not think they were going to talk to, than one of the brothers turned and I am guessing began to make a preasentation. As I got closer I fully understood why he chose to talk to her (shorty was mad cute.)

    I continued on my way but could not help but reflect MY GAWD WHAT A WASTE OF ONES LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


  • designs

    'green mile walk of death' lol

    Oh the flashbacks!

  • WTWizard

    I think witlesses doing street work need to get an education about what their religion is actually doing. First, do they want the knowledge that their activity has damned someone forever, not just for this life but for all reincarnations? Once you dedicate yourself to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag and go through the process, a little known occult practice seals that doom (they do 9 affirmations, a number for endings; plus they do affirmations for 40 consecutive days. I wouldn't be surprised to find them vibrating certain runes to ensure that there is no way the victims could ever extricate themselves from being dedicated). From there, this dedication reaches the astral, and you are doomed forever. Die, and you are still dedicated in your next life. And forever.

    Anyone doing door to door work needs the same guilt trip as well. You are brainwashed from the start, they pray to Jehovah to drive any Demons away that otherwise would have protected you, you are stripped of whatever defenses you had to begin with, you are hypnotized once you enter the Kingdumb Hell, then you are dragged along. The dedication to Jehovah is the capstone that results in damnation plus a life wasted doing nothing useful.

    And, once you dedicate, how often have you heard "breaking your dedication" in the rags or from the platform? I heard "not living up to your dedication" plenty of times but never "breaking your dedication". Thus, they are doing incalculable harm to people while they are doing field circus, damage that reaches the astral and becomes permanent. Yet, they are working prisons and mental institutions, getting the very people that need Satan the most and binding their souls so they cannot be free to totally dedicate to Satan without the filthy angels claiming prior dedication to Jehovah. Perhaps the witlesses themselves are the ones that should be in prison--and perhaps the sexual molestation of children is the least of the molestation. I believe the spiritual molestation of everyone, children and all, is far worse.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Street work felt like having my skin peeled off in little strips.

    I would have preferred a getaway car, but a bullet to the brain would have been my second choice.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • LostGeneration

    I have to say, street work has to be the worst of the worst.

    I remember once a zealous pioneer dragged my teenage a$$ out of bed one morning at 5 am and took me downtown to do a little soul savin'.

    I was literally petrified walking the streets. He got rejected about three or four times, then started encouraging me to take a turn. I simply couldn't do it!

    Another hour he gave up and took me home. I went back to bed and slept til 1 in the afternoon.


  • JeffT

    For twenty years or so I've thought street work, as practicied here in Seattle at least, is the dumbest thing in the world. They stand with their backs to a building (leaning against it?) holding up Watchtowers. The only ones I saw talking to anybody were the elderly sisters standing next to each other and gossiping.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I've got a feeling street work is about to be encouraged heavily in the very near future. Don't quote me on that, but certain things I've noticed lately got me thinking it might be possible. For one thing, the October Study magazine, has on the cover some people doing street witnessing, and using a billboard setup. They've been testing this way of doing it for the past couple years mainly in NYC, and while the method itself won't entirely replace the door to door work, it will take a chunk out of the traditional way field service is done.

    What's really got me thinking this is a possibility is that when a certain thread about rumored significant changes happening to the organization coming into effect in 2013, that very week at our Service Meeting, our COBOE made a comment about being yielding to the direction of the Slave. That in itself is nothing new, but the context of his comment was dealing with field service methods and then he went on to mention the booth and billboard methods being tested in NYC. Also there's supposedly an two day elder school scheduled for 2013 sometime although we haven't recieved any specifics as to dates in our circuit, but if that rumor was truthful which included elders helping the friends to adjust to new changes, I think it's related to field service. What you mentioned about street witnessing being torturous, its about to become even more so for those not socially inclined.

    Granted it's all just speculation based upon hearsay and looking into the words of others, possibly too much on my part. I think the branches are all too familiar with JWs just going through the motions when doing door to door. JWs do their time, accomplish little to nothing, and then go about their affairs for the day. Often they barely even speak to anyone when doing door to door, but with street witnessing they're almost forced to interact with others. What Frosty described is about to change I think. Time will tell.

    That in itself is nothing new, but the context of his comment was dealing with field service methods
    and then he went on to mention the booth and billboard methods being tested in NYC.....Miz

    Now More People can see JW`s Do Nothing..


    Count Time..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Glander

    I pretty sure the guy in the picture with the clock is the masturbation signer!

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