Post your posting habits.

by sleepy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    So what are your habits on this board?
    Do you read everyday?When you get up , when you get home from work, all day even?
    Is this the only forum you go on?
    Are you addicted?

    I'm have to admit I read it most days, usually when I get home from work.I try to think of something to post while working.
    I tend to have breaks of a few weeks and then look at it one day and I'm back on for the next few weeks.

  • D8TA

    I check in once, sometimes twice, a day. I'm not what you call a "frequent" poster. Am I a troll? Naw. I only go to two message boards. Here, and the MMORPG game board that I play.


    ~ A day no season would claim ~

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi Sleepy

    I usually only visit when I'm at work...weekdays and during workhours. But sometimes while I'm doing email at home I'll post here and there...but not really I hate to rob my family of quality time. I don't mind robbing my job though...its one of the perks of my miserable job.

    Like you, I often wonder about how much time and energy people invest in the board. I don't know that I'm addicted I come and go at ease. I have been addicted to the net in the past...and I did get out of control lol...but now I'm over it *hands shaking*. I am aware of the pull the net has and the intrigue with personalities etc...but working full time and being a mother, and being in a relationship is time consuming and hard i'm forced to keep things in perspective.


    ps...I only post on this forum now..used to go to others but stopped going a few months ago

  • dmouse

    I don't think I have a 'habit' as such. I drop by every few days to see if anything new is happening. If I've got anything new to say I start a new topic but usually just chip in with posts that I feel I have something to add. I find most of the posts thought provoking and just because I don't reply doesn't mean they are not good posts which I really enjoyed. I tend not to read posts by people who I know are a bit...unfeeling.
    But as Beck says, time is a problem and being a full time father I have to prioritise.

  • dmouse

    Oh, and I post a bit more when I feel a mastership coming along. :)

  • Gopher

    Living on my own, I don't have family to look after. So I can get on here whenever I dang well please. Some days it's when I get up, and on work days it's after I get home. And I always check up on the board during lunch hour, to see if there's anything interesting to read and respond to. And when I wake up and can't get back to sleep at night. On the weekends, I get on before lunch and later in the day. *Hands trembling*

    I only post on one other board, and it's to talk about TV game shows (when I run out of things to read/post on this board).


    The preceding post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Celtic

    Although it would appear I spend a lot of time here, you would be surprised at just how much is going on in my life behind the scenes. I like to keep an eye on things, especially for those ones who need specific encouragement and kind words. Many here have become like a pack of wolves and I pity any real genuine cases coming by needing assistance less they get their heads torn off by lots of very uncaring unscrupulous people. They know who they are.

    Most evenings, I can be found here, inbetween writing project proposals, doing research and/or other things.

    Kindest regards


  • Scully
    Scully version of Deuteronomy 6:6-8

    And these posts that I am commanding you to post today must prove to be in your heart; and you must post them with your son and post when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. And you must tie your mouse as a sign upon your hand and you must develop a pale complexion between your eyes; and you must post at the doorposts of your house and at your gates.

    Love, Scully

  • Waygooder64

    I rarely start new threads and post almost as much.I have to admit having a sarcastic streak and I love a good argument.I find that some of the posters on this board are always posting dreamy,feely good fluff stuff that sometimes makes me ill and roll my eyes.Some will post a new thread and when a response is not what they are looking for they get all offended and give you the gears.Boo hoo... Naeblis is cool.Always posts with a biting style that I like.Tells it like it is .

  • Waygooder64

    I`m sorry, I got off on a tangent and did not answer your initial querie.I always check my email 1st and then go this site.I probably check this site out 4 or 5 times a day.(More if there is something controversial going on)...

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