There's gotta be another faction in the Writing Department, either that or they can't see the irony.

by Theocratic Sedition 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    The past two week's worth of WT Studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature. Yesterday was too much, I felt at least. Either there's another faction within the Writing Department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.

    For instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.

    5. Unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles. (1 John 5:3) "My yoke is kindly and my load is light, "said Jesus. (Matt 11:29, 30) Additionally, "the perfect law" has no need for a long list of sanctions or penaltis, for it is founded on love and engraved on minds and hearts, not on tablets of stone.- Read Hebrews 8:6, 10.

    They can't see the irony in this paragraph?

    Check out paragraph 16?

    16. Consider this: When you are in the company of those who love Jehovah with all their heart, do you feel afraid? Do you find yourself constantly glancing over your shoulder?While engaging in conversation at the Kingdom Hall, do you keep a firm grip on your belongings lest they disapear? On the contrary! You feel at ease and free. Would you feel that way at a secular event? Not likely! What is more, the freedom that you enjoy now among God's people is just a foretaste of the freedom that lies ahead.

    Check out the gems from yesterday's lesson.

    1. Jehovah is the only Person with absolute freedom. Yet, he never misuses it; nor does he monopolize freedom by micromanaging his servants. Instead, he has given them free will, which allows them to use initiative and satisfy all their proper desires. For example, God gave Adam and Eve only one restrictive command-- the prohibition against eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." (Gen 2:17) What an amazing degree of freedom they had in carrying out their Creator's will!

    I cannot help but think the parts highlighted are instances of a saboteur at work in the Writing Department. There's no way someone can read these paragraphs and not see the irony in what was printed. Am I crazy?

  • LostGeneration

    The thing of it is that truly indoctrinated JWs actually DO NOT see the irony, the two-faced writings spouted forth by the WTS.

    They are under mind control. They don't think they live under a burdensome system of rules and regulations, because the have this equation in their head WTS=JEHOVAH.

    As long as a person equates the two, they feel they are simply serving God, doing what he asks, and waiting for their pet panda.

    But once you are able to break free of that false equation, yeah its just a bunch of bullshit.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The best part was the illustration of the bad boy greeting his friend with a fist bump. The conductor actually pointed it out as a "worldly hand shake" LOL - a bunch of people were making fun of that afterwards. I told one of my "friends", that I thought it was pretty ironic that they would have a study about freedom from detailed laws and then say you can't fist bump. He laughed and said it was one of the dumbest things he's ever seen.

  • Cagefighter

    What they are saying in other words:

    The cult business has become too expensive and burdensome to financially maintain. We really appreciate the way you made decisions (some of you for generations) against your own self-interests, conscience, and family responsibilties. However, we would like to crank the dial back a little and retreat to upstate NY with our inner circle and continue to just sell you our magazines. We have been telling you what to do and how to do it for long enough. Like all control freaks we get easily bored and you no longer present a challenge. Why, we have not had a purging of apostates here at Bethel in over 30 years! What is wrong with you people? We are taking our ball and going home, you're on your own....suckers!

    Please don't forget to support the World Wide Preaching Work on your way out the door. Thanks.

  • elderelite

    Yep i saw those... Also thought about the fist bump! We actually have a nazi elder who has talked about that from the platform. So the rest of us do it annoy him... Sure as hell the damn org puts a picture lolololol... Bastards :-)

  • cedars

    I think it's just a poorly run department with terrible writers and virtually no quality control.

    I for one would like to see who's manning the "illustrations desk" (if such exists!) and whether there's any booze stashed in the draw, because the analogies recently have been abominable. Someone must be drinking on the job. Most of the metaphors seem to surround doctors or "physicians", and either don't fit or lack any originality.



    Good Morning Miz!..

    It`s the same old,same old..

    WBT$ Bait and Switch..

    1. Jehovah is the only Person with absolute freedom. Yet, he never misuses it; nor does he monopolize freedom by micromanaging his servants.

    Now get Back to Work..

    You Lazy Ass JW`s!!..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • watson

    "satisfy all their proper desires"....hmmm, and who, pray tell, will make sure we know what those "proper desires" are??

  • james_woods
    Most of the metaphors seem to surround doctors or "physicians", and either don't fit or lack any originality.

    Refusing to go to a Judicial Committee would be just like refusing to go to the Hospital if you had cancer.

  • LostGeneration

    virtually no quality control

    And there is the real story behind this stuff. Remember a few years ago where they bragged on and on about how each and every article was reviewed by three GB members? Then all of that bull in the Yearbook about how all of their stuff is always 100% accurate?

    And yet every month when the new mags come out, error after error is exposed by "apostates". Sure doctrine can be argued about, but then there are the contradictions, even within the same article, just a few paragraphs apart. Throw in misquotes that are brought to light when they talk about 607 and add to that the half truths (lies if you are following the rules of logic) published on regarding their "beliefs" and you see how corrupt/inept the leadership really is.

    I really can't say if there are hidden apostates up there in writing. Personally I lean more toward the problem of having high school graduates who act like they are newspaper editors.

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