Suggestions for writing a book please

by Celtic 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Celtic

    I'm working again now on my material for a book about mind control, would anyone like to give me any suggestions on material and / or issues that they would like to see addressed?

    Let me know below please ...



  • ofcmad

    The subculture of cults.


  • orangefatcat

    How About "The Rise and Fall of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    HINDSIGHT IS 20/20

  • Celtic

    You'll have to be far more specific than that.



  • Amazing


    1. The factors / conditions that lead one to join a cult. What really attracts people to cults? What are they looking for or need?

    2. What holds them to stay with the cult? Is it is just the perception filters learned, or something more that causes them to ignore glaring problems, or not even see those problems?

    3. What ingites the process toward leaving a cult? What is that point or magic bullet or final 'straw that breaks the camel's back that lead to inquiry, discovery, and reconsideration of the cult?

    Hope that helps. I have a pile of material research, books, and years of notes in case you want some additional informaton ... plus my own book ... email me if you wish.

  • Scully

    "Mind Control" has a negative connotation to it, but if you reflect on the concept honestly, it's used ALL the time.

    Take a look at the advertising industry. Most soaps are just soap. Some have this fragrance, some have fragrance masked. But people are led to believe that one brand is better than another by advertising. If they have a mum who used Brand A, and it was good enough for her, it's more than likely that the daughter will also use Brand A.

    Perhaps you could start with that rather innocuous and more or less harmless type of mind control. How does advertising make people change a brand of soap? Is it a free sample in their mailbox? or a demonstration at the market that will get them to try Brand B? or substantial monetary savings?

    Then you could delve into the realm of social psychology. What kinds of things make people vulnerable to groups like JWs? Generally, and we know this from our experience as JWs, JWs are looking for a very specific kind of person to target with "the good news". These are people who may be down on their luck, or going through a major transitional phase in their life. This is usually the time when people experience feelings of self-doubt and conflict about their future. Things like losing a job, getting married or divorced, having a new child, financial problems, a death in the family or of a friend, just to name a few, all give us pause to what place we hold in the scheme of things. Along come the JWs with pat answers and a hope for the future...... and you have someone primed for indoctrination.

    Now, most people don't think of JWs as anything more than a bunch of religious nutters, mostly harmless. But these are basically the same techniques that were used by the Hitlers and Mussolinis and Bin Ladens of the world. What's to stop the WTS from becoming another Jonestown or Waco? Or what's to stop the JWs from acting on an order from the WTS that Armageddon is going to happen on such and such a date, and each JW is going to participate in executing Jehovah's judgement?? They are ALREADY desensitised to emotionally "killing" their outcasts. They are ALREADY desensitised to allowing their own children to be sacrificed for the sake of their own salvation. It's the unquestioning obedience to these kinds of reprehensible behaviours that makes them potentially extremely dangerous. That is where things become scary, celty.

    Just my tuppence
    Love, Scully

  • ofcmad

    You could also talk about the psychological make-ups of the leaders, followers, and drones of the group. What type of presons they prey on.. yada yada

  • RR

    Well, first thing's first. You need paper and pencil .....

  • rekless

    You might want to pick a theme
    then break it down into topics
    then then write pro and cons on the thesis
    the reader needs to be given a choice of good and bad, right and wrong
    what made you adopt the ideology in the first place
    what opened your eyes
    how you cope with it blah,blah,blah

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    How about starting off with a fiction story? Opps, sorry, the JW story is no fiction. Give me 'time' I'll think of something, yeah like interesting truth, give it twist and turns.

    Guest 77

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