The Bible a reliable book!

by Truth Defender 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logical

    The bible does NOT testify to itself as the Word of God. It infact testifies to something else entirely as the Word of God.

    Read John 5:39, John 1:1, John 1:14, Revelation 19:13

    Christ is the Word according to scriptures contained in the bible (not all the bible is scripture).

  • mustang

    'Sense' and 'since' are two more culprits.

    For example: 'Sense' we are doing this exercise, this makes 'since'.

    I guess this is a game of 'homonymal mayhem', and has led to 'homonym-icide'. Being an amateur 'punster' I couldn't resist.

    BTW, even when the spell checker is working, it doesn't weed out some of these gremlins. First, you have to apply the spell-checker (I don't think the spell checker was used in the case noted above). Then you still have to go back and sort out the subtle nuances that are created by the same-sounding words.

    On the whole, there is not enough attention given to these writing techniques. If we find ourselves 'living by the pen', we should polish up on these matters. Else, someone else's pen will devastate us.

    Solicitation: Go get 'em, Ded.

    Stop the punishment Class

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