just a question

by poopie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    My family 99.9% other JW's in my area maybe 50%.
  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    I think it depends how far up the popularity scale you are as to what you can do in lots of things including shunning. Make all the elders and their wives your best friend and you can get away with more including not shunning DF relatives because it is like everything, the more familiar people are with you, the harder it is to counsel and enforce the WT rules.

    I was so far down the pecking order, I had to do everything by the book or else. Now I am fading they don't care or bother because they never really knew me anyway. I served Jehovah and not them. They didn't really know I served Jehovah but I think they certainly knew I didn't revere them.

  • konceptual99

    Depends. If it's a close family member - 10%. If it's some body you never liked anyway - 100%

    Seriously, I think for anyone outside of a family relationship with the DF'ed person it's going to be up around 80%

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me


    Following the shunning rule 100% "to the letter" outside the KH is only done by a minority of the publishers. Smiles, nods, small talk etc happen frequently outside the KH. The very fact that the GB finds it necessary to continually stomp on the issue proves most are not holding to "the letter" 100% of the time. And in some congregations there are a few who will not follow the rule even inside the KH.

    Shunning is unnatural, the GB is requiring an unnatural behavior which along with running a marathon at sprint speed is causing many JWs to be stressed to the extreme. Not healthy mentally or physically.

    Also I will add that as time passes the shock wears off people start to mellow and find harder to completely shun. From my experience at least.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Much higher for shunning those who are not family related because it puts the individual of being shunned if they are caught.

    When dealing with close family, even most of the strictest diehards use the "necessary family business" loophole when they want to do so. But there are still some fanatics.


  • Vidiot


    The WTS wouldn't be harping on it so much lately if there weren't.

  • Magwitch


    I have been DF'ed for 7 years.......Every witness I have ever run into with the exception of ONE has carried on a full animated conversation with me. Usually they initiate it too.

  • sir82

    Answering seriously:

    in person when other JWs are watching: 99%+

    in person when no other JWs around: 70%

    in person when no other JWs around and it is a close friend / relative: 30%

    on Facebook / Twitter / pick your favorite means of electronic communication, in all circumstances: 20%

    That last one is why there are now virtually monthly articles on "why shunning is so loving" and "the joy of shunning" and "you are a disloyal creep if you don't shun" and so on, not to mention several reminders of such at each & every assembly & convention.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose


    We Hispanics are very social in nature and very family-oriented. No way a mother is not helping or talking to her kid. No freaking way!


  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    By the way, just speaking from what I noticed in the Spanish congs I attend.

    The shunning crap goes in one ear and right out the other in the Hispanic JW circles; and so it should across the board. It is a horrible practice.


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