by apostate man 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Well, it has gotten to be stale around here so I am also leaving. I have no reason to stay because I have fulfilled my mission, to get my wife to see the truth about the truth. You all have helped me out, and I thank you.
    I will leave a few questions that perhaps no person can answer....

    How can God have always exsisted?

    Did GOD create himself?

    Where, on a time line, did the dinosaurs live? and how about prehistoric man?

    Who really built the pyramids and how? (no, not c.t.r.'s pyramid)

    Where did Adam and Eve's children find mates? Are we all inbreds?

    Our solar system is a mere spec in our Galaxy, our Galaxy a mere spec in the Universe. How can we be sure there are no others?

    Where and why did we get all the different races of man?

    WAS Noahs flood local or cover the earth? If it covered the earth, then how did Native Indians get to be all the places they are found? Wouldn't the icecaps had to of melted for there to be a worldwide flood?

    How can we as people, think that anyone of us can accurately translate ALL of the bible, call ourselves the truth and expect all of the fold to be saved? God is the ultimate judge. NOT WT.

    My presence here was short. I hope to of helped a little. Here are some of my posts:

    I would not be a JW. A short poem by me


    "New" light Vs. "Old"light

    JW's-A religion of convenience

    nuttin' big. just a few questions

    BE AFRAID, WT could predict the future

    Best Web Sites

    I John 5:7 question

    Facts and nothing but the facts

    NWT translation

    Yes, this is also a weak attempt to get some more answers to questions I asked. No harm in that, is there?

    Anyway, thats my story and I am stickin to it. BYE!!!!

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Wow apostate man sorry to see you go. Those are cool questions, I've saved them in my favorites to ponder later.

    I'm just curious..you said "I have no reason to stay because I have fulfilled my mission, to get my wife to see the truth about the truth. You all have helped me out, and I thank you."

    You got your wife to see the "truth" in a matter of weeks (since 2/12/02) on this site?? That's Amazing!! What a great reference.

    I wish both you and your wife well on your journey.



    "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." ~Voltaire

  • ThiChi

    Good news! We have all the answers to your questions!! However, you will have to stick around for the answers................

  • LittleToe

    If you've really achieved what you say you have then you've gotta stay!!!
    Give us some tips, will you?

    Besides, the party has only just begun...

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    AP man, "No failure is ever final....nor is success!"

    Guest 77

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Wick, it was not easy, but yes I have shown my wife the light. She still has many JW beliefs but her own JW father has actually contributed to her believing me with his answers. I correctly told her what his answers would be and showed her that they have no merrit(see my thread on NEW LIGHT VS. OLD LIGHT).
    Simply, there are too many inconsistancies in one religion for that religion to be the truth. Add that, with lets say, the blood doctrine and you get nothing more than a cult by definition. Not so easy to show a believer that the group they followed was incorrect. It took a lot of sweat and tears and sometimes raising of our voices.
    ALso some other x-JW sites have helped. IE. http://watchtower.observer.org/
    The articles on subliminal messages was pretty damning evidence. She has some of those books still and WHOA! we could see the pics. I also found some more on my own like, on the back cover of the book "Pay attention to Daniels Prophecy!" the letter "S" is on the Kings hand. We all know this is supposed to mean Satan. Maybe this king was a Satan worshiper, maybe not, but why put that on his hand? The letter "S" is on other hands as well.
    I compounded all of this with tons of other research I have done. AND quite frankly, I am tired. My middle finger is going numb from using my scroll wheel on my mouse. SO, although I have only been on this site for one month, my research expands way beyond that. This site has been very helpful and again, thanks. Mike(apostate man)

  • 2SYN

    How can God have always exsisted?
    This is an infinitive. Maybe a mathematician could explain it to you, because I certainly can't. Besides, I don't think English (or any other human language for that matter) is really equipped to deal with the concept of 'infinity'.

    Did GOD create himself?
    See above.

    Where, on a time line, did the dinosaurs live? and how about prehistoric man?
    There's many theories, but we can be quite certain that the dinosaurs died out long before prehistoric man, considering the fact that we don't uncover dinosaur skeletons with human skulls in their tummies!

    Who really built the pyramids and how? (no, not c.t.r.'s pyramid)
    A topic of ongoing debate...
    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pyramid builders

    Where did Adam and Eve's children find mates? Are we all inbreds?
    If you take the Bible literally, yes, we're all second cousins. Unfortunately for fundamentalists who insist on believing in fairytales, mankind happens to have a giant, fragment gene pool which has taken at least a few hundred thousand years to develop. And there was a much larger breeding population than 2 that started the whole show.

    Our solar system is a mere spec in our Galaxy, our Galaxy a mere spec in the Universe. How can we be sure there are no others?
    That depends on how you define 'others'. There's a good chance, though.

    Where and why did we get all the different races of man?
    One of the better theories is that human bodies are adapted to various climates. This, combined with the fact that for most of human history we haven't really been able to do much travelling, seems like the most likely option.

    WAS Noahs flood local or cover the earth? If it covered the earth, then how did Native Indians get to be all the places they are found? Wouldn't the icecaps had to of melted for there to be a worldwide flood?
    I'm not even going to touch this topic, search the boards for some very concise words about it.

    How can we as people, think that anyone of us can accurately translate ALL of the bible, call ourselves the truth and expect all of the fold to be saved? God is the ultimate judge. NOT WT.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Angharad

    Take care Apostate man, I'm glad that things worked out well for you and your wife. Drop in and say hello anytime.

  • Yadirf
    How can God have always exsisted?

    Rather than being so concerned about that, why not instead be concerned with getting eternal life for yourself? Afterall, aren't YOU the one that's dying?

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Yadirf, kiss my ass....bitch. I have never been so alive.

    2SYN, technically those are answers, but by definition they are not, they don't answer the questions. Thanks for trying though.

    OK, I am doing it again, getting sucked in and hangin out. Time to go. Peace.

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