JW's Offer Me A Plea Bargain.

by Englishman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    Somthing must be up.
    They wouldnt be asking anyone back unless it was to benefit the Org. Maybe the congregation is behind on service hours, did they recently lose members and the congregation numbers are down? Maybe they need more able bodied volunteer workers for their "quick build kingdom hall weekends".
    So,,,,,are you going to repent and ask the W.T.S forgivness?

  • gumby

    80,000 per year df'ed. This was a statistic back in the early 80's if not the late 70's. (not sure if that was the U.S. only)

    What are the stats now? Thats a lot of revenue lost folks!
    Could it be the 1 month deal is a means to get publishers back for the $$$$?

  • Solace

    Im sure big life insurance policies sound very appealing to them right now too.
    What if they are going through the books, looking for mid-aged, retired or older ex-witnesses.
    Whatever the reason, Im sure it is to benefit themselves. Then again, hasnt it always been that way.

  • Englishman

    I do recall that being DF'd and later re-instated was a mega blot on a dubs copy-book. Even re-instated one's were once permanently barred from being anything other than a common or garden dub. No "priveleges" at all, ever! Zilch. Even a re-instated dub was never to be trusted, he was permanently a suspect.

    In the early 70's this changed with the announcement that DF'd bro's could hold a "servants" position after 10 years of repentance.

    The saddest part was that this was presented under the old "Isn't Jehovah kind and loving" banner, letting such one's back into the fold.

    Ah well,


  • ozziepost

    What has this world come to? Now we have one of the leading apostates offered full membership back into the Dubs!

    It's a mad, mad, mad world.

    Just a point of clarification. A re-instated person is on restrictions for 12 months, not shunned. Come to think of it, there's not much difference!!

    The matter of restrictions is unscriptural, or to be more precise, it's not mentioned in scripture. It's a procedure, teaching, regulation, whatever that the WTS have ADDED to scripture.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • bluesapphire

    Man oh Man!!! I know what I would do if I were you. I would take them on the deal. I would get myself reinstated, let them make the announcement, have everyone come over and hug you and tell you you are welcome back and then write a letter of disassociation the following week telling them to F-off! How embarassing for the elders that would be!

  • Englishman

    Blue Sapphire,

    I did thing, fleetingly anyway, that maybe I could be re-instated and then work quietly against them. Then I realised how much my life style would have to change, how many friends I would dump and I realised that I'm just to open a personality to carry it off. I'm just not devious enough. Honestly!


  • MegaDude

    Years ago I considered faking being repentant to be reinstated. I missed my brother, who was my best friend. He missed me too, but can't handle the guilt of associating with such a disgusting, abhorent, Satanic-worshipping apostate like myself.

    I still miss him, but if my brother can't see his way to being my friend because of an official label on me by a bogus spiritual organization, then I need other friends. So when the elders offered me the no pass-go, get reinstated in a month deal, I never thought about it.

    I still miss my brother. Probably always will. We had some great times I will never forget. I consider his loss a casualty of my personal freedom and strength. It was still worth it.

  • 2SYN

    HEhe! I can just imagine you sitting on the Body of Elders now, Englishman! That would be a sight for sore eyes...

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

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