What does Black_Melbourne mean Farkel?

by Beck_Melbourne 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne


    I am just wondering what you meant by this:

    There have been ex-JW support groups for at least a dozen years on the internet. You may want to start your own, but you may want to join a few others, too. There are people who have years of experience in such matters you could use as resources if you are willing to take the time to seek them out.

    But maybe you were well aware of that. I don't know. I just know that you've only been posting here a few weeks, and I thought I would mention it for your benefit.


    Black??? I've missed something here...is this a 'whites only' forum??? Ohmygod...I had no idea...is that why people are leaving??
    I don't mind you calling me a 'twit'....it is true that I don't do much research...I'm guilty there..so if that makes me a twit, then that's cool..no offense taken. And yes it is true that I've only been posting a few weeks...guilty again of 'what is it again?? being an Einstein??' No worries...no offence taken there either.

    I'm really sorry however that my colour has become a point of attack by you...I can take a slam in retaliation to a post...but the colour insult was a bit over the top Buddy.


  • Celia

    I don't want to answer for Farkel, but I believe it was just a typo. We can't correct mistakes right now on this forum...
    Farkel, what do you say ?

  • Farkel

    Yes, it was a typo. I didn't have my reading glasses on. No offense meant. I merely meant to say that before you start your own group, you might consider checking out the ones that are already operating.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Beck = Black

    Coincidence I guess. Typo indeed...considering you like to attack people NOT for what they say...but for what they are ie. new to forum twits with no brains and who have no credibility.

    Benefit of the doubt I guess.


  • sunscapes

    Well, yer not black anyway, and yes, benefit of the doubt is good.

  • Farkel

    : Coincidence I guess. Typo indeed...considering you like to attack people NOT for what they say...but for what they are ie. new to forum twits with no brains and who have no credibility.

    Indeed. In your whole 3 weeks on this board, I'm sure you know me well enough to form an opinion that defines my entire life and very being. As for your opinion about me not attacking what people say, you betray your utter ignorance. I suggest you read the past five thousand or so posts of mine over the years and you might get a slightly different and more informed opinion before you stick your foot in your mouth again.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    "you betray your utter ignorance." Oh you mean my "ape like" swinging from trees ignorance??

    "I suggest you read the past five thousand or so posts of mine over the years" When I'm in the mood for sarcasm and vicious attacks I'll look you up.


  • hillary_step


    I know that emotions are very sensitive on this Board of late, but I have to say that I know enough about Farkel and his inclinations to completely believe that this was a 'typo' and not a slight made toward you.

    We just all need to relax a little and move to higher ground before the Board self destructs.

    Kind regards - HS

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    I am adding to this thread as a neutral party.
    For the longest time I thought your name was "Black_Melbourne".
    I only recently realized your name is actually BECK_Melbourne!
    I am not saying that I know why Farkel called you that name.
    I am just telling you what I thought was your name.
    I guess I am blind in one eye and can't see out the other!

  • Farkel

    : "I suggest you read the past five thousand or so posts of mine over the years" When I'm in the mood for sarcasm and vicious attacks I'll look you up.

    It was you who questioned my statement that I only made a typo and by first asserting that it might be something other than that. It was then you who said I always attack someone personally and never attack what they say. You, in your limited experience of a "few weeks" on the board feel you are qualified to make such a judgement of me with only a cursory knowledge of me and what I've said in toto over the years.

    So take a good look in the mirror. You might just see a reflection of a side of me there that you don't like!

    That being said, {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}


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