Thanks For your Input All

by eyes_opened 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyes_opened

    Oh yes, I had a grand time.....Give me a break. I was crying and sick at heart the entire time I was writing. I don't think I have any intellectual prowess...far from it. I feel confused as hell. It wasn't rambling it was heartfelt...And wow! Boy after reading 2 scriptures all my problems are solved, thanks so much. And furthurmore, I don't do scientific study, I use common sense as far as defining the way A spirit creature must experience time. I am as far from an egotistical person as there is. That I believe, would be your department if you believe the entire universe can be explained in a few sentences from one book.

    PS: Sorry all of us can't be as hip and as up to date as you. With 2 small children I don't get a whole hell of a lot of time to keep up with the latest scientific journals.

  • Deacon

    NickL or Disfellowshipped or whatever...

    What is your problem?! If you want to be reinstated, then you have NO business being here. You have chosen to enter a no no far as the Society are concerned..wait! you ARe disfellowshipped....aah, they no longer have been given over to Satan....

    Strange as it might seem, mostly ALL the posters here are fully aware and are conversant with all the moral, ethical, legal, scriptural and judgements as outlined by the WTB&TS....

    Your demeaning post might just be an indication of your mental outlook which may be a contributing factor to the judicial inquiry which led to your expulsion.....on the other hand.. you may just be another person seeking justification of your own wrongdoing.. or perhaps you didnt do anything wrong..? oh wait! you said you did a "foolish thing"...wait!...did you not express repentance..?

    in any case.. welcome....

  • ianao

    Very good NickL.

    relieve yourself with the simple answer from your creator,

    1Cor 1:19-21 +25

    Mathew 11:25

    Now, after having read the same scriptures that you posted earlier, do you now see why the society SCREWED UP when trying to compute a "day or hour" that ONLY Jehovah knows? You are still living in this "system", aren't you?

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    How Rude! Why is it that some must see the need to validate themselves by invalidating others? This is an open discussion board. And we are all entitled to our opinions. This was a perfectly nice and encouraging discussion. Was there any need to disrupt it?
    As for those two scriptures Nick, you took them out of context. And they answer none of the questions being discussed. I was a pioneer for over eight years and a witness for almost forty. If you are going to quote scriptures you better read the context.
    And as for the scientific knowlege of time, I don't read the science theory either. I just know what makes sense with my life experiences and have an open enough mind to listen to others opinions without rudely attacking them.
    Perhaps Nick you should peruse John 13:35. It may help you attain your goal of being reinstated more quickly.
    Eyes, honey, you just keep coming here for support. Not too many of us will attack you. I don't think you were any of those things mentioned by Nick. I saw a person weeping on the inside for answers to very heart wrenching questions. Very big hugs and kisses to you!!
    And I'm glad you have a supportive husband. Ain't it grand?

  • Seven

    eyes_opened, A belated, but warm welcome to the board to you.


  • SixofNine

    Nickle, I shun thee!! hrrruummmff!

    unless of course at some time in the future I decide responding to you will do more good tha shunning thee. Or should that be thou? Also, with this post, am I shunning thee now? Damn this freedom stuff is confusing!

  • eyes_opened

    Hugs back! You guys are the best. Well I did hear back from that sister, I had used a different email that she didn't recognize right off, and she had company the whole week who had gotten sick, so that was why she didn't get back to me. She said I should never be afraid to tell her anything,and that she loves us, which I thought was nice but then at the end of the letter, her final sentence she added "So what kind of stuff have you been reading?" LOL

  • ianao

    Thinker's Wife:

    How Rude! Why is it that some must see the need to validate themselves by invalidating others?

    Sometimes it is necessary TW. Sometimes, when people are discussing the best way to cross the bridge, others are yelling out at them: "Yoo hoo! I think we can just go around the ravine anyway."

    Some people like the bridge, others take the longer route, or the safer route, based on their own opinion of it.

    This is an open discussion board. And we are all entitled to our opinions.

    This was a perfectly nice and encouraging discussion. Was there any need to disrupt it?

    This is true TW, but I appeal to your "bias" in this situation if you know what I mean? NickL inturrupted it to state his opinion, which you admit he is free to have. He did say:

    relieve yourself with the simple answer from your creator

    IMHO the intent was to help (presumably).

    NickL, I will say this to you though:

    PS It seems yourself and thinker have missed some of the latest scientific comments on time and space. Sorry to dissapoint you, but more recent scientifically accepted explanations no longer subscribe to the outdated views you express.

    Interesting how you can comment on one's outdated views of a subject that scripturely, by your own words, you shouldn't even be worriying about. Please elaborate on these new theories that subvert Einstein's theory of relativity. I am all ears, erm.. eyes.

    Edited by - ianao on 24 January 2001 11:47:47

  • thinker


    I'm sure too that the adulation given your intelectual prowess by some readers is most rewarding.

    Are you saying there's something wrong with admiring a search for knowledge?

    ( and it appears more like an excersize in intelectual egotism )

    Again, is there something wrong about gaining knowledge?

    I'd love to hear what new discoveries have replaced Einstein's theory of relativity. I'm always willing to learn more. That's why I came to this forum in the first place.


    ps If gaining intelligence is wrong, your postscript puts you in an awkward position.

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