When you leave?

by lv4fer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JBean

    I hear what you're saying... my boyfriend and I were having this discussion just yesterday. I said it feels "weird" not to go to the Hall and so I was kind of "yearning" for some formality. He said that I should just give it more time and then if I still feel the need to "gather together" I can look into it then. It does take TIME to get out of the JW mindset. You might trying contacting a Universalist church. I believe that is where they allow you to worship in a very liberal manner, but they still have bible readings, etc. You can look up info on this movement at www.beliefnet.com. Good luck!

  • larc

    I never went anywhere. I don't base my associations on a person's religion. When I first meet people, I don't know a person's religious beliefs, and for many, the subject never comes up.

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