Long-distance Relationships?

by mindfield 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Kep


    Hopefully this one has gone to your email.



  • mindfield

    An email coming your way, kep.

    And a thought on this ugly situation: The 14 year old, coming from her own email, obviously wanted to engage in "sexual contact" with me as soon as possible. Now, although I said i would control myself, as some other posters have mentioned, it would've been near impossible for me to restrain myself if she started something.

    Not only that, but also i also realized that this girl is slightly less emotionnally prepared for a relationship than I thought. She's nice, charming, attractive, but man, is she jealous. If I danced with too much girls other than her at summer camp, she'd go off and pout for minutes. Not good.

  • Scully

    hey, Mindfield:

    I have a sister who will be 18 in October. I'm going to visit her this week at my parents' place. I can put a good word in for you if you want.

    Love, Scully

  • mindfield

    Would you? Who knows... the heavenly fates may have chosen us both! I think she would be a little more appropriate for me than a 14 year old...

  • larc


    This is not Larc who will be posting here. It is my 35 year old daughter who is visiting, so here are her comments: Hi Beans! ...Luv your perspective upon Mindfield's sitch. Very hilarious. You had me cracking up.
    I'm still laughing as I am writing. I was imagining a surfer dude voice as I was reading your prudent advice, but was surprised to find out that you were from Canada! eh? This only proves that your sound advise to Mindfield is not only GOOD advise, but it defies the ever-not-so-present Canadian-American border-line.

    Thanks for your light-hearted, yet sincere input!!!

    ---Larc's Daughter-35 F.

  • KissAFish

    I have to say..you definately did not come across pervy.. I can relate to your experience, but from the girls point. I was 14 when I met and fell for a 22 yr old..he happened to be my teacher.. he wanted a relationship... I didnt.. ( I was quite mature for 14 *rolling my eyes*..yeah I know ..THAT line..)..any way that was that.. and then at 18 I fell for a 31 yr old.. ahhh there was a pattern I guess..Not sure If I HAVE a point...other then I got over both relationships, as intense as they were and am now with a guy 2 years older..and can relate better...things get better as you get older..teens are tumultuous.. *HUGZ*..all the best, be patient..you sound like a wonderful guy..

  • butalbee

    Find yourself an older and closer girlfriend.
    But keep your friendship w/ this young girl, everyone always needs one more friend in this world...

  • Abaddon

    Mindfield; glad you took everything as intended, as I wanted you to be sure I wasn't condemning you in any way, just giving my POV.

    And well done; men, or 'young men', whatever, have a hard time (fnar fnar) saying no. To be honest enought to reflect on that when you realised that SHE wanted something physical is very brave of you.

    Best wishes, and don't hurry it. You'll find someone far more appropriate, who can return what you can give.

  • mindfield

    Sorry people... didn't see these new replies.

    Thanx everyone for your suggestions and support... couldn't have done it without you!

    I'll try to keep the friendship alive between us both, but it might be slightly difficult. I might be wrong, but I think this really cut her deep. To say the least.

    Abaddon, thanks for your POV... it was honest, after all, and that's exactly what I wanted, and needed.

    Kissafish, thanks for the compliment! And your personal experience...

    Scully, you're a wonderful person! Hope to see you on chat tomorrow!

    Well, there's too many people, but you know who you are. Thanks for your opinions. I hope the girl moves on without taking this as a personal insult. And I hope that I'll find someone my age soon. *crosses fingers*

    See y'all later!

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