Raymond Franz's Betrayal

by IslandWoman 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Them curazyeee athiest norweeegans! I dun wun nun o' dem to be postin' mah book and basheeng tha wutchtoower cuz they iz nahc peepol and I dun won heem bashin' god neither cuz he is a swell fella

  • bboyneko
    how can we condemn those who do not agree with our personal choice? How can we fault a man who refrains from supporting something in which he personally does not believe?

    But seriously, its not his condemnation of so-called 'watchtower bashing' but how he speaks of athiests. You say we shouldnt condemn others for their beleifs, yet in the manner he speaks of athiests he condemns them also. He views them just as the society views apostates, people who should know better who are out to destroy the true faith. I guess he never learned his lesson about keeping an open mind.

  • Makena1

    Amazing - Xena and others great posts. Could not have said it better. I do not understand the anger or backlash at Ray. Perhaps it is because I was totally brainwashed the first 43 years of my life.

    I have written Ray - not asked for a reply, but each time he has written back something. For someone who is pushing 80+, had a stroke, and probably reads, corresponds with 100's of people from all over the world, I cannot even think of imputing some kind of evil motive for not being more proactive via the web in pointing out the hyprocrisy of the WT. He has done enough, in my opinion. When I was at the crossroads, it was reading one chapter in COC that made the difference for me.

    If believing the Bible, God, Jesus redemption keeps him going, who am I or anyone else here to judge his motives. As far as i can tell, he is not promoting any singular way of thinking.

    Ray, I hope you and your wife live to be at least 100.



    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

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