I'm confused

by NickL 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • NickL

    This DB is advertised as a "Witness" board. Yet there seems to be some disagreement over the place the WTS should play in our lives. Can someone inform me what the "official" stand on this matter is?
    Perhaps the Moderator can comment?

  • RedhorseWoman

    This is an open board, and Witnesses (active and inactive), as well as non-Witnesses if they so desire are free to post.

  • thinker

    We appreciate everyone's opinion. I would love to hear your ideas on what place the WTS should play in our lives.


  • NickL

    Thanks for the invitation Thinker.
    Here goes.
    Is there a God? Yes. Is he interested in the human race and has communicated to them through his word? Yes.
    Has he stopped there? No. His word talks of a Faithful Slave. It talks of him informing his people of his intentions. He talks of a group of happily united people embracing the truth and the hope of life on a paradise. He refers to them as a brotherhood.
    Doctrine aside. Teachings aside. Who could possibly qualify besides Jehovah's Witnesses? Are they perfect ? No. Infallible? No.
    Can they as a group be described as a happy united group of loving worshippers? Absolutely. ( exceptions aside )
    Do they have the absolute truth? Possibly not yet. But who else comes even close?
    What has the WBTS done to bring them to this point? The same as imperfect sinning Moses. Both have led Gods people closer to him than any other entity has led any other group. The WBTS has never claimed infallibility.
    If you have been in the truth for any length of time, you would probably have to admit that, except for one or two disagreements on certain application, ( which you may or may not be right about....time will tell ) your knowledge of Jehovah is a direct result of the WBTS.
    This is how I see it.

  • thinker

    Most interesting. You first mention a Faithful Slave. Who is that?
    I'm on the live chat now. Can you come on?

    Edited by - thinker on 21 January 2001 19:31:34

  • neyank

    Hi NickL,
    Something you said bothers me.
    You said"Do they have the absolute truth? Possibly not yet.But who else comes even close?"
    We can all agree that the WTS is not perfect. That it doesn't have the absolute truth.
    What troubles me is that even with the WTS stating that they are not perfect,they still demand the r&f JW to believe everything they say.
    They have claimed that what they teach is from Jehovah.
    They have said that Jehovah is giving us new light. Constantly.
    The fact that they have constantly changed their teachings proves that Jehovah is not using them (WTS) to teach us.
    Are you saying that Jehovah keeps changing His mind as to what is truth?
    Are you saying Jehovah is a liar?
    He cannot lie.
    His truth is perfect truth. His truth is the only real truth.
    If the WTS is being used by God,they would have the real truth and they wouldn't have to keep changing their teachings.

  • NickL

    Does Jehovah change his mind?
    1 Jehovah led the nation of Israel around the wilderness for 40 years. Yet they ended up in the promised land. The people complained then too, wondering if Moses and Aaron were Loonies. What would have happened to some if they decided to find their own way? Their descendants would still be wondering in the wilderness. Why was Aarons sister punsihed with leprosy ?? For being wrong?? NO for mumbling against imperfect leadership.
    2 Jehovah told Ninevah through Jonah that he was going to destroy the city .....then he did'nt. Was that a lie ? Nope. Does it "prove" that Jonah was not being used by Jehovah?? Hardly.
    Ofcourse Jonah was not impressed, but like today a mind "whose thoughts are higher" than ours is at work.

    How do I find the chat? This is my first time here?
    But to answer you, The Faithful Slave according the bible is the body that is caring for the masters belongings. Kingdom Interests.

  • thinker

    Chat is at top of each page.

  • Martini
    This DB is advertised as a "Witness" board. Yet there seems to be some disagreement over the place the WTS should play in our lives. Can someone inform me what the "official" stand on this matter is?

    Hi NickL,
    This is a board where witnesses and others can voice there concerns freely without fear of reprisal.

    What role should the WTS play?
    The Society makes the extraordinary claim to be God's channel on the earth. Actually they insist to be the one and only to speak in the name of Jehovah. So for a long time I prided myself with possessing exclusive information as if from God himself. For example;
    I was taught that the 'time of the end' was close at hand. In fact for decades we preached that the generation that remembered 1914 would see the accomplished end of Satan's old system of things.So I asked myself did or did not Jehovah speak these words because time was running out on the truthfulness of this occuring.I don't know if you are aware of this but about 6 years ago or in 1995 suddenly they changed this teaching.So I ask you who is resposible for having spoken presumptuously a falsehood in God's Name?

    The scriptures themselves answer;
    Deut 18:22... when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumputousness the prophet spoke it.

    vs 20 adds...that prophet must die.

    Clearly the WTS should not play the role of God's Prophet not directly nor indirectly. At best they should offer a place for research and study God's word independant of private interpretation.

    God bless,

  • RedhorseWoman

    The WTBTS is not perfect as you stated, which means that any teachings issuing from them could very likely be wrong, and yet if a rank and file JW voices an opinion that does not coincide 100% with what this "imperfect" slave says, they are in danger of being disfellowshipped for apostasy. Why? Because the WTBTS is guided by the Holy Spirit and speaks the truth from Jehovah. This implies that anything issuing from the WTBTS is issuing from God himself, and is therefore perfect. Unless, of course, the doctrine is later proved to be wrong, then the WTBTS hides behind the "we're only imperfect men" defense.

    Excuse me....does this make sense to you? Jehovah is perfect, but I guess He mumbles a lot because His purported "slave" just can't seem to get it right.

    The people destroyed at Sodom and Gomorrah will NOT be resurrected....oh, wait, I changed my mind....yes, they WILL be resurrected....um, wait, no, I changed my mind....they WON'T be resurrected....or, maybe.....oh heck, how should I know.... YooHoo! Faithful Slave......just say whatever you want....I can't make up my mind.

    Edited by - RedhorseWoman on 21 January 2001 23:16:40

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