The struggle to come.

by refiners fire 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well, I expect this place will explode today.
    And, frankly, Im only posting this to assist Simon.

    Some people here, think that there should be a position that there are NO RULES. And that anybody can post anything they want. Even if it hurts people.In fact, so far, this has been the case.
    And some people think that ,because it has been a free for all so far, a precedent has been set, and thus, it cannot be changed.

    At the other polar extreme there is the terror of being on a moderated board. Every word watched, posts excized.People victimized by moderators who dont personally like them. A bad thought.

    Because there are no moderators, and because there is only Simon in charge, one man, with limited time on his hands,it may be the case that sometimes he does things that are not entirely fair.
    In the pursuit of a good aim.I myself think this does happen here.
    Some moves have been made overnight and posters deactivated. I dont agree with all of the decisions myself, I admit,but I think we all have to acknowledge that swearing and vilifying someone to their face are now out as practises.
    I think this is a good move myself, even if some people have got steamrolled in the process of initiating it. They can always be reactivated. All they have to do is email Simon and say they wont swear any more.
    Whats so hard about that?
    If Simon wants to deactivate me as a guilty party in this matter, I will welcome it as just, and will email him immediately requesting reactivation and agreeing to abide by the new rules.

    People like nytelecom are not allowed to post filth deliberately designed to hurt people. Surely a good thing.
    The only people who could find it desirable to allow posters like nytelecom to post such stuff, are people who like hurting people themselves.I believe this. My opinion.

    I know a lot of you are gonna hook into Simon today, accusing him of contradicting himself. Please. Simon is only 1 man, trying his best to stop something he percieves as an evil on the board.
    Give him a break.What would you prefer?

    Moderators? Uncontrolled open slather?
    Let there be some rules of behaviour on this board.

    My opinion.

  • Abaddon

    I actually think, based on experience here and other boards, that if we stop talking about 'IT' and just get on with things, we will be doing the best thing, as things will stabalise. Indeed, they already have, and will continue to do so if allowed to.

    So, that's what I'm going to do.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • ashitaka

    I partly agree. While I don't like the idea of being censored, I know that I can censor myself from saying horrible things to people.

    Unlike NYtelecom. There may be others here.

    Fights will happen in any kind of group. But being constantly a manipulater, or a flamer, or any kind of habitual insulter (we have to insult people sometimes, it's just funny) should be regulated if they're not mature enough to do it themselves.

    I think we're a good group here who just have old grudges....let them lie. It's just a forum.....remember, we're supposed to be helping people, and getting help ourselves. Petty arguments get in the way of that.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    YIPEEE...I can come out of hiding now :o) The boogie man Nytel has gone!!!

    *Beck runs off to do cartwheels in the kitchen* :o)

  • Dutchie

    Beck, cool new picture!

  • rekless

    IMHO, if this board is or was set up for association and a helping hand to those who are wanting info about the WTS then we should watch our language to a degree.If I had of seen the filthy language two years ago when I started researching I would have never went back to H20.

    I would have said yea those aspostyates are just like the society said.

    Instead I have joined the great apostacy.

    I know I have said hell, and called Fred an A$$hole

  • julien

    I don't have any problems coming, esp. if I can get my hands on some good porno.

  • Joyzabel

    yeah, julien, I thought this was a sex thread, too.

    Hey Beck, I like your new pic!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Thanks Dutchie - Joy2bfree...I only wish it was me...*joke*

    (I thought this was a sex thread too...jumped on it like a magnet LOL)


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