Are JCs a Nice Form of a "Breaking Session"?

by LostGeneration 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    Lost Generation - Great thread. Thanks for posting it. I can attest to the accuracy of these statements to being very similar in use at JC meetings as I had experienced several JC meetings on the receiving end and experienced first hand character assassination towards me numerous times. The elders in ANY JC meeting start with an agenda - and the sneaky, unethical part of it ? The elders NEVER tell you what they want to meet with you about BEFORE they meet with you. All they say to you is " we need to meet with you and talk. " So immediately even before a JC meeting- a person being summoned before one is in the dark about WHY they are being interrogated . You're left guessing. It's unfair, unethical and frankly dishonest of WT society appointed elders to do this to people. But they are just follwing orders from the WT society leader topdogs who are dishonest, unethical, and sneaky themselves . It starts from the top down and trickles down to everyone eventually inside the JW's. Those of us who have escaped that slavery are lucky to have done so

  • Asian

    My boyfriend and I went a bit "too far" one time (I think his hand went up my shirt) and we both felt guilty and went to the elders. During the JC, one elder, who happened to be quite old, looked straight at me and asked if I had had an orgasm. I was so sickened by his question that I felt as if I was going to vomit. Talk about losing all your dignity.

  • LostGeneration

    @00DAD- I agree that many times these techniques are employed, though not specifically ordered from HQ. I have been through a few JCs myself, on both sides of the table. After being an elder for just a short time, I started to recoil at the thought of judging others via the Witness form of justice. My PO at the time privately counseled me that I was needed in this capacity at times, regardless of my reluctance to do so. I was out within months after that conversation.

    In my very first JC, on the so called "wrong side" of the table, I was shocked at how cold and heartless the elders were. Amazingly, after being privately reproved, I was greeted at the next meeting by one of the elders as if I were a "super dub", which certainly matches with point #3 from the article. I think that most JWs simply are intimidated from the start by the shunning, so they throw themselves at the mercy of the court, so to speak, hoping for reproof instead of DFing.

    @jam - Good for him, I think we are starting to see more JWs simply say "FU" when confronted by the elders, as one of the recent WT articles noted.

    @fakesmile - I agree. In reality the JW org is only effective because of their DFing power, most JWs would admit if they had a gun to their head that they don't fear death at Jahs hand.

    @blindnomore- So sad that they intimidate minors with this process. Poor kids who trust these men and they are subjected to abuse simply because they are being human.

    @Apostatethunder- Yes the JC process certainly comes straight out of the "cult handbook"

    @zeb- I see where your coming from with the Smith and Wesson reference. I'm sure current and future elders are starting to think twice when it comes to getting involved in people's personal lives to this extent. Hopefully more and more will say "No thanks" when offered the elder position.

  • LostGeneration

    @ Fernando - Thanks for the comment. The topic has been on my mind for some time as I reflect on my short time serving as an elder in this corrupt org. Fortunately, I sat on just a few JCs before I recognized this was all manmade bullshit that I had to separate myself from.

    @ LITS- Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sure both former elders and victims could relate some incredible stories here on this board. I respect thought that it could be painful to re-live, or that ex-elders would not want to break the confidentiality of what happened in those closed door meetings.

    You weren't stupid, you were a victim of mind control tactics employed by a CULT, as was I.

    @Mr. Flipper - Good to hear from you! I agree, the whole system is stacked against the member, and favors the leadership, whether it be the local BOE or the WTS itself. I've read your story and love how you "got over" on the elders in your area. If any are lurking on this board and are having trouble with the elders, the best response is always "I'm doing fine, if I want to talk I will let you know" even if they are DEMANDING some sort of meeting/interrogation. Remember, you owe them NOTHING!

    @Asian- Welcome to the board! Hope you can share more with us soon! That is a sick and disgusting elder, for sure. An orgasm from a hand up the shirt?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! Obviously it had been a long, long, long time since that dude "got any".

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