by Terry 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    When we commit an action we own the consequences of our act. If we are cleaning our pistol and it discharges a bullet into our best friend's head the act is not intentional, but, the consequential death is still OUR act.

    The effect is perpetrated by the cause.

    When the Watchower Society's Governing Body perpetrates mandatory teachings there are consequences.

    The effects may not be intentional but they are caused and the Society must own them.


    A JW who fails to keep solidarity with accepted teachings is acting single-mindedly. Such is not tolerated. It is rebellion and that person will be removed from the congregation.

    Testimony of Hayden C. Covington (Vice President of the WTBTS):

    Q. That was the publication of false prophecy?

    A. That was the publication of a false prophecy, it was a false statement or an erroneous statement in fulfillment of a prophecy that was false or erroneous.

    Q. And that had to be believed by the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    A. Yes, because you must understand, we must have unity, we cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way, an army is supposed to march in step.

    Consequently, all JW's in good standing are compelled to accept and act upon the declartions of True Teaching from the GB.

    Why is the Society not held accountable for PROVOKING CONSEQUENCES that occur when flagrant errors are made?

    The JW cannot do otherwise except on pain of excommunication.

    Who suffers consequences when a false date such as 1975 is promoted at a fever pitch?

    Among others:

    Those who did not pursue higher education, financial security or begin families.

    Our Kingdom Ministry from June 1969 on page 3 states the following:
    "…in view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous....Many young brothers and sisters were offered scholarship or employment that promised fine pay. However, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first."

    The JW families who sold their belongings to engage in full time preaching in the lead up to 1975 were practising "good faith" and were praised in the Society's publications. What about the consequences TO THOSE FAMILIES when 1975 fell flat as a prediction?

    Our Kingdom Ministry on page 3 in the May 1974 edition states:
    "Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end."

    These were not errors created by the compliant and faithful rank and file--but-- consequences provoked by the GB.

    The impact on these trusting, dedicated, hard-working families were PROVOKED CONSEQUENCES brought down by error and hubris.

    We need to RETHINK Organization errors in terms of those consequences!

    1. Faithful followers compelled to harm their own self interest by following instructions by the Society

    2. Jehovah's name and reputation is damaged with ridicule and shame brought on by connecting false events to wrong dates

    3. Honest criticism by those harmed led to oppressive and harsh accusations by the leadership often resulting in disfellowship actions.

    4.Families were split apart in dissensions connected to Loyalty to the Organization vs an honest accounting for errors taught in the name of God.

    5.A class of scapegoats was created: Apostates. These former members took the heat away from the leaders and diverted attention from the real issues.

    6.The Organization had huge increases in membership and revenue due to the false scare leading up to 1975 all under false pretenses.

    7.The blowback gave the leaders a pretext to ramp up new policies of repression silencing all honest inquiry for decades to come.

    8.The Society accused itself of "eagerness" for Jehovah's promises shifting blame to members who over reacted. Blaming the victim for reading too much into such overt propaganda as this:

  • Ding

    The sad thing is that the rank and file JWs reordered their lives in reliance on those publications are now blamed by the GB (and other JWs) for having run ahead of Jehovah.

  • WTWizard

    A total sell-out is not wise, no matter how certain you are. Even if you are 100% certain that 1975 is the end, it is stupid to do nothing to prepare oneself for the transition. Those wasting their time pious-sneering are going to have a miserable time picking up the pieces. Those at the top should have been the ones getting the message across, using radio and TV ads. You need people to work on rebuilding an infrastructure. You need construction workers, people to bring the electricity system back up, engineers to improve things while perfection is attained, and so on.

    This was even worse than the hyperinflation predictions of today. I am absolutely certain, based on that our system is debt based, that hyperinflation and monetary collapse is inevitable. For that reason, I buy whatever silver I can afford. However, I am not going to totally sell out and use the money only on silver. I know not how long it is going to take, and I know there will be other things I will need. Fun things as well as practical necessities. I know that I will need batteries and chargers, and good lanterns, because the electricity grid will not be reliable. LED light bulbs bought now, while I can still afford them, will provide a measure of protection against drastically higher electric rates when the upcoming energy crisis and hyperinflation do break out. But, I am still going to enjoy music, video games, and my Christmas lights while I still can.

    Unlike hyperinflation, the Armageddon they were talking about was not mathematically certain. They were pushing many to sell out and pious-sneer, neglecting family and finances. They knew they were lying, and they knew that there would be major hardships when the date busted (they should have known because 1874 busted). Yet, they urged the extreme position (equivalent to my selling everything and spending all my money on silver instead of other necessary and luxury things). It is this extreme position, combined with the fact that they were lying, that created such hardships for many in 1976 and embarrassment when they had to return in 1976 to householders that were "warned" and didn't respond for 1975.

    Also unlike the accidental gunshot, the Washtowel wasn't doing anything useful. When you clean a gun, there is always a tiny chance that something will happen. You could forget to check to see if there are still bullets in the gun. Not intentional, not reckless--just negligence. The Washtowel Slaveholdery, on the other hand, is guilty of recklessness with others' lives. They wanted people to sell out, knowing it was probably going to be another 1874 or 1914. They, unlike the friend that accidentally shoots the other friend with the gun while cleaning it, do not give a fxxx about the consequences. And rather than accepting responsibility, they are making it even worse by lying about having never predicted 1975.

  • Aware!

    When I was in the lurking phase I asked a sister who studied in 1974 if she remembered the whole fiasco and her reaction. She said she didn't know what was going on because she was just a study. I then asked if she remembered why people were selling their homes and everything. Her reply was that over zealous brothers were the ones who started all that. I was dumbfounded at how she could forget her own past.

  • Terry

    The lack of backbone on the part of the rank and file is very troubling.

    If this religion has anything it is solidarity. Everybody is required to be on the SAME PAGE. No matter what Kingdom Hall

    you visit it is the same text, same teaching.

    How can you have "just a few" who "ran ahead" and were "over zealous"?

    In for a penny in for a pound, as the saying goes.

    I was in the most vital years of my life at the time. 1975 was not just a big was a BIG FUCKING DEAL!!

    It wasn't just something....IT WAS EVERYTHING!

    The people at the top were even MORE carried away than the trickle down enthusiasm at the bottom of the ladder.

    The Kingdom Halls were recruiting like mad and deadly serious about only conducting 6 month bible studies before

    demanding: "Get baptised and Live or we cut you loose and you die at Armageddon"!

    Going in to 1975 congregations were holding their collective breath.

    But, 1975 was a sneeze that did not happen.



    The fuse had been burning for almost a decade on this dynamite blast until the fuse vanished into a soft sputter.

    Was it relief or outrage?

    It was shock, I believe.

    "How could the FDS tell me this and NOT SAY ANYTHING NOW?"

    An accumulating sense of BETRAYAL is soul killing and that is what set in to congregations everywhere as whispers and speculations burned out

    into a deafening silence.

    The Watchtower was a dead cheerleader lying in the grass stinking up the world!

    It only remained for somebody to say it out loud and start digging a hole.....

  • Ding

    Based on what Ray Franz said in CoC, I think Fred Franz and the GB themselves really believed the 1975 hype.

    When it turned out to be nothing, they had no idea why.

    At first, they bought into Freddy's Adam-Eve creation gap explanation and thought it would come in the next couple of years for sure (ignoring the fact that WT literature said that Adam and Eve were both created in the same year, 4026 BCE.)

    When the years passed and the gap explanation clearly made no sense, the only thing they could have said is, "We don't know nearly as much as we thought we did. We were wrong."

    But that would require genuine humility.

    Worse yet, it would place the whole authoritarian structure of the religion at risk.

    When the disquiet got back to them, they were outraged that the R & F would grumble against the faithful and discreet slave instead of being humbly grateful for all the meat in due season.

    Like an abusive spouse, they blamed the victims... and their strategy worked.

    If you bring up 1975 today, even JWs who hyped the date themselves will claim persecution and accuse you of apostate thinking.

  • Quendi

    Thanks again, Terry, for this piece. Your take on the 1975 fiasco is right on the money. I also appreciated what Ding wrote as to how the WTS handled it, in effect blaming the rank-and-file for “running ahead of Jehovah” instead of taking responsibility for raising everyone’s expectations themselves.

    It was only when the summer conventions of 1980 came that the WTS acknowledged some fault in the 1975 mess, but then went on to tell everyone that the “faithful and discreet slave class” was still active and supplying the household of faith with much needed spiritual food. A new decade was beginning and we should get back to work in the field and patiently wait on Jehovah to fulfill our hopes and dreams in his good time.

    The relationship between ordinary Witnesses and the ruling clique of the WTS is indeed just like an abusive one between two people. Most Witnesses won’t even allow themselves to think of an independent life outside the organization. Many fear that the moment they set foot outside the “spiritual paradise”, they’ll either be killed and eaten by one of Satan’s lurking wild beasts, or Armageddon will strike and destroy them.

    It was only after I left for good in 2010 that I realized that what was missing in my life as a Witness was love for God and love for myself. The cult emphasizes the benefits of continued association but those benefits come at a terrible price and ultimately are not worth keeping. But it took many years after 1975 had ended, independent study and being disfellowshipped with subsequent mistreatment for me to grasp that. Until that happened, I stifled my doubts, silenced my inner voice, and soldiered on in the hope that the End would come soon and solve all my problems. I am sorry it took me so long to finally come to my senses, but I am grateful that I did and am discovering the real life.


  • Quendi

    Thanks again, Terry, for this piece. Your take on the 1975 fiasco is right on the money. I also appreciated what Ding wrote as to how the WTS handled it, in effect blaming the rank-and-file for “running ahead of Jehovah” instead of taking responsibility for raising everyone’s expectations themselves.

    It was only when the summer conventions of 1980 came that the WTS acknowledged some fault in the 1975 mess, but then went on to tell everyone that the “faithful and discreet slave class” was still active and supplying the household of faith with much needed spiritual food. A new decade was beginning and we should get back to work in the field and patiently wait on Jehovah to fulfill our hopes and dreams in his good time.

    The relationship between ordinary Witnesses and the ruling clique of the WTS is indeed just like an abusive one between two people. Most Witnesses won’t even allow themselves to think of an independent life outside the organization. Many fear that the moment they set foot outside the “spiritual paradise”, they’ll either be killed and eaten by one of Satan’s lurking wild beasts, or Armageddon will strike and destroy them.

    It was only after I left for good in 2010 that I realized that what was missing in my life as a Witness was love for God and love for myself. The cult emphasizes the benefits of continued association but those benefits come at a terrible price and ultimately are not worth keeping. But it took many years after 1975 had ended, independent study and being disfellowshipped with subsequent mistreatment for me to grasp that. Until that happened, I stifled my doubts, silenced my inner voice, and soldiered on in the hope that the End would come soon and solve all my problems. I am sorry it took me so long to finally come to my senses, but I am grateful that I did and am discovering the real life.


  • Quendi

    Thanks again, Terry, for this piece. Your take on the 1975 fiasco is right on the money. I also appreciated what Ding wrote as to how the WTS handled it, in effect blaming the rank-and-file for “running ahead of Jehovah” instead of taking responsibility for raising everyone’s expectations themselves.

    It was only when the summer conventions of 1980 came that the WTS acknowledged some fault in the 1975 mess, but then went on to tell everyone that the “faithful and discreet slave class” was still active and supplying the household of faith with much needed spiritual food. A new decade was beginning and we should get back to work in the field and patiently wait on Jehovah to fulfill our hopes and dreams in his good time.

    The relationship between ordinary Witnesses and the ruling clique of the WTS is indeed just like an abusive one between two people. Most Witnesses won’t even allow themselves to think of an independent life outside the organization. Many fear that the moment they set foot outside the “spiritual paradise”, they’ll either be killed and eaten by one of Satan’s lurking wild beasts, or Armageddon will strike and destroy them.

    It was only after I left for good in 2010 that I realized that what was missing in my life as a Witness was love for God and love for myself. The cult emphasizes the benefits of continued association but those benefits come at a terrible price and ultimately are not worth keeping. But it took many years after 1975 had ended, independent study and being disfellowshipped with subsequent mistreatment for me to grasp that. Until that happened, I stifled my doubts, silenced my inner voice, and soldiered on in the hope that the End would come soon and solve all my problems. I am sorry it took me so long to finally come to my senses, but I am grateful that I did and am discovering the real life.


  • Quendi

    sorry about the double post!


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