How many of us have had issues with Blood??

by lydia 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    How many of us have had a problem with the Blood issue when you were a Dub?? How did it go? What help were the Elders in the cong?

    Are you still opposed to taking blood?? if so why??

  • Francois

    I always thought the blood issue was a stretch, even when I was a dub. But then, I thought a LOT of what the Dubs said were stretches. Mainly, almost every word in the JW apologia, "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose."

    Now I don't know how they ever published that trash with a straight face. It is more an indictment than apologia. The pamphlets that the society published "exposing" false teachings in Philly, were "like the tongues of fire," as prophecied and in fulfilment of the prophecy. PAMPHLETS, BY CHRIST?

    In fact, it was JWitDP, the reasoning in there, so insulting to the intelligence of a cretin, that first made me doubt. And I was, um, lessee, fourteen. Fourteen, and that book insulted my intelligence. But the average R/F gulped it down by the shovelful.



    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • alliwannadoislive

    hi lydia - i had 'rumbling' problems - unease grew over the years - my da letter had the following paragraph in it :

    "However, issues have been emerging for me for a while now that have caused me concern. These include further changes and ‘new understandings’ relating to the use of blood products and another, although relatively minor, the appropriateness of voting in political elections. The arguments delivered through ‘Questions from readers’ and set out in long complex explanations remind me of Matt 23:24 which reads ‘who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel.’ Especially as, reading between the lines, these changes are being brought about by what appears to me as political manoeuvering rather than spiritual enlightenment."

  • Scully

    When my first child was born, I bled profusely after delivery. My haemoglobin level went from 14 to 4. When I finally regained consciousness almost 5 hours later, the nurse scolded me and told me that my "stupid religion" had almost killed me.

    Love, Scully

  • Carmel

    First of all, when I was about ten, two young children died in our cong within one year, both of which could have survived with blood. I began asking questions then and got the stock answer about them being resurrected into the new world, blah, blah,blah. When I was in jr high we studied the human body and I learned that every cell in the body is renewed at least once every seven years, the skin more frequently. When I asked which of the several bodies we had over time would be resurrected I was "counciled" for insulance. Between the two I began to doubt the whole idea of their take on blood as well as literal resurrection. Still think both ideas contradict logic and sound science.


  • chezza

    When i was 31 weeks pregnant my daughter decided to come into the world, of course the blood issue came up as she was only 3 pounds and a very sick little girl, the doctors hounded us, we called the elders they said there was nothing we could do as far as alternatives and we had to rely on jehovah, the elders excuse my language are dicks, not one of them came to see us in hospital, nor any witnesses i might add, and my husband at that time was a ms, the doctors forced blood on my daughter and i lived with the guilt of feeling that i was glad they did, i was so very angry when i went back to the meetings especially when after 8 weeks of my daughter being in hospital suddenly every man and his dog was around for cuddles of my daughter,it taught me a valuable lesson on how not to rely on the elders.

  • Naeblis

    NOt me. Hookme up, I'll take a pint right now.

  • cynicus
    How many of us have had a problem with the Blood issue when you were a Dub?? How did it go? What help were the Elders in the cong?
    Are you still opposed to taking blood?? if so why??

    problem: multiple times, made us leave eventually.
    how did it go: all right: child was yellow, sunlight made it go away.
    help: zero. I knew more about it than they did.
    still opposed: hell no!
    why not: because it's a morbid and sadistic human tenet.

    Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.

  • Elsewhere

    I pissed of the elders by giving a blood donation.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I almost had a blood transfusion...but because I was a witness I refused one twice...when two of my babies were born. The first time the doctor used an alternate treatment but was very cross with me for testing his skill as a doctor...needless to say he saved my life.

    During both accounts the doctors were well informed of my choice not to have blood and both times they were prepared and provided an alternative. I was very lucky to be in the care of skilled professionals.

    My stand on the blood issue now is very different. I would have no problems with accepting or donating blood....for myself or my children. It hardly seems appropriate to refuse blood based on bible principles when I'm 'fornicating' in my spare time :o)


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