so it's Sunday, what do you have planned for next week? let's all be honest

by dreamgolfer 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nice_Dream

    Vacuuming, grocery shopping, appointment, Tot soccer, and watching the Bachelor guilty pleasure.

  • Glander

    We just had a week with visits with a new ggrandbaby, then the ggrandbabies aunt and her boyfriend came up from Eugen to see her and spent the night with us. We had a great time with these young folks, good food and a lot of laughs. Our oldest son had his 42nd b'day yesterday but he is in Seattle and so we just had a nice phone visit. Wednesday our oldest daughter will be spending the night and bringing baby Lilly, our other ggdaughter. She is only 21 mos. but she started walking at 9 mos. She is a whole evenings entertainment when we put on some music.

    By Wednesday or Thursday we will be scheduling another visit from someone. We love it.

  • yknot

    busy busy busy!

    intensely vacuum out the rest of the sand from car....

    Swim party

    2-bday parties

    movie date with tweens


    reviewing study material, Roll of Thunder, Veronica Roth's trilogy

    FS show up and ditch --actually might do a FS park-play afternoon...not sure yet.

    prepare more intensive almost-school curriculum

    household chores/rearrange upstairs

    play, play, play with kids

    decide 4H projects for next year

    watch olympics with kids and discuss if they wanna consider sports for our state's winter amateur athletic games or stick with summer only

    chill out poolside

    drink something alcoholic

  • NVR2L8

    Day's almost done for me. Went out for breakfast (while wife was at the meeting) read my newpaper. Road my motorcyle and went out for lunch while my wife was watching a movie with the grand kids. Stopped at a friend's house (the only JW that stayed in touch with me) to plan next week's motorcycle trip to the Canadian east coast. After diner I am watch Big Brother with my wife who is the fan.

  • Emery

    Attempt to make it to 2 meetings in a row to throw some friends off my scent


    and Maybe catch the new spider man movie.

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