How Christian thinking was corrupted by Paul's clever explanations

by Terry 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    There really is quite a case to be made that Paul's writing is almost totally alien to the rest of the gospel...almost to the point of being a different religious work.

    Certainly no other NT writer speaks with such personal egotism, or references himself constantly the way Paul does.

    Paul is elevated to such a supernal status largely because nobody else could write as persuasively.

    His hammer and tongs style is a battering ram to the tired and worn apostolic blah-blah-blah.

    Who could compete with his torrents of ideas and transformational rhetoric?

    He was tying the past the present and future up with a neat red bow!

    Judaism was failing, Jesus groups were floundering and Semitic influence on the world was less than nil.

    Paul combined what was motivating and persuasive in each category into a GRAND SCHEME or MASTER PLAN that made it interesting!

    Keep in mind (if you haven't read my Marcion snippet above) Gnosticism was very popular and appealing and darn near toppled Judaism and Christianity.

    Paul's contribution to that made him the Justin Bieber of his day :)

  • transhuman68

    Cool Thread.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I find it a bit interesting to speculate over Pauls mental/psychological condition.

    A lot of researchers have stated that he may have been suffering dfrom temporal lobe epilepsia. This could explain a lot of his actions and writings.

    Or, you can just google temporal lobe epilepsy + paul You will get a lot of interesting stuff to read.

  • Phizzy

    So, we need to be careful about saying we had a "road to Damascus" experience, it would simply mean we had a brain-fart !

  • DaCheech

    Terry, as always I love your threads!

    Don't pay attention to the haters!

    If you would write a book, with a composite of all your texts: I WOULD BUY IT!

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