The Proclaimed and (later) Rejected anointed one: A TIMELINE

by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondiiz

    It's been a while but my understanding was that Rose was in her 20s when the incident with Russell occurred, and I think Barbra Anderson confirmed that.

    Also, it's hard to believe that he would be moving assets into wts for 19 just to escape alimony, who plans 19 years in advance like that? While it does appear that some transfer of assets did take place to keep money out of Maria's reach, stating that it happened over 19 years for that reason is stretching the truth.

  • Terry

    It is worth noting that most of C.T.Russell's doctrines were simply "lifted" from current 2nd Adventist ideas, teachings and theology. Women were welcomed as teachers and prophets.

    There was no prejudice against the fair sex.

    Perhaps Maria fit in well with the peer group that surrounded Russell and was viewed without sexist bigotry.

    Maria must have been a fascinating woman living at the wrong time in an era before women were allowed to "have a say".

    But, she had plenty to say.

    When she met Russell it was only a matter of months before they married.

    All indications demonstrate that Maria was an invaluable assist in straightening out Russell's writings as to organization, punctuation and ideas.

    Maria "fixed" the errors of her husband's writings and added writing of her own at HIS invitation.

    When Maria traveled to various women's groups she was extraordinarily well-received.

    Gradually, in my opinion, Maria over-shadowed Russell intellectually to the point he resented it and his ego was offended. He undercut her in little ways and it became more and more publicly humiliating to her.

    Domestically the idea that a marriage was LEGAL when it had not been consummated is laughable!

    This guy had a weird side.

    Rose Ball being adopted by this strictly business couple just doesn't fit in to the arrangement.

    Did they want a family or didn't they? What was the "sin" of producing their own child?

    Was something awry with Russell's genitals? The mind boggles at the very premise of the arrangement.

    All the descriptions of how Russell behaved point to a strange fellow of odd habits and strange predilections.

    When it started to fall apart Maria asked for a kind of LEGAL SEPARATION.

    That was necessary "why"? She continued with Russell for about four years before it was unbearable to be around him due


    He was punishing Maria and, in her words, "torturing" her psychologically.

    What kind of husband, christian, adoptive father or kind human being does that??

  • Terry

    Most latter day converts to JW-dom neither know nor care about Russell or Rutherford.

    Today's converts are emotionally motived and not factually so.

    There is not much thirst for scholarship or deep study.

    The Society serves things up on a TV dinner tray and the rank and file eat their spinach.

  • reslight2

    The statement is made:

    "1880 (Age 28) Russell declares that his system of theology had been "revealed" to him directly from God."

    Since the word "revealed" is in quotes, I did an e-search of the Watch Tower for the year 1880 for the word "revealed", but could not find any such statement made by Russell. Is there an an exact reference available?

    The statement is made:

    1897 Russell is convinced Jehovah reveals his Truth to him alone.

    Again, I searched for two key words that appeared to be significant regarding this, that is, the word "alone" and froms of the word "reveal", but I could not locate any place in the Watch Tower for 1897 wherein Russell claimed that Jehovah reveals his truth to him alone. Is there an exact reference to what is being claimed?

    The statement is made;

    1903 (Russell is age 51) Maria Russell filed for legal separation. (Maria claimed she was tortured by Russell who denied her sex. She accused Russell of kissing and fondling his "special friend" who was stenographer and foster child.) J.F.Rutherford's words: "Miss Ball came to them in 1889, a child of ten...She was an orphan."*

    Facts: Russell never accused her husband of having sexual relations with anyone. Maria had agreed to the terms of the marriage, and by those terms could have requested sexual relations with her husband at any time, but she never requested such.

    The statement is made;

    Charles Russell had been moving his/their assets into the corporation for the previous 19 years to avoid alimony.

    Actually, all those assets held in Russell's name were by agreement being held in the interest of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. In other words, although they were in Russell's name, the assets actually belonged to the WTS. This arrangement was made because some believed that WTS itself should not be involved in the buying and selling of property, etc. Thus, for many years, monies derived from investments would go into the WTS funds. Finally, however, all the assets were put in the name of the WTS.

    Christian love,


  • james_woods

    I suppose everyone here realizes that poster reslight presents himself as an ardent Russelite and C. T. Russell apologist.

    One amusing facet of his posting here is a total denial that C. T. Russell ever had anything to do with the "Miracle Wheat".

  • james_woods

    I thought I would bump this back up so that Terry can respond to the Russell apologist...

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