WT Society Feels they are Above the Laws of the Land - Even in their own....

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    ...... words. Knowing that the Candace Conti child abuse case was probably coming down the turnpike as was the 5 out of court child abuse settlements the WT society settled in San Diego, California - this past April as most of you know the WT society sent a secret letter instructing all elders to essentially keep their " pie-holes " shut ( mouths for those not hip to modern lingo ) and essentially instructed them to not divulge ANYTHING to ANY authorities investigating crimes or other information concerning WT organization operations.

    Someone posted a thread on this in April, however - with all the news coming out about WT child abuse coverups, the Anonymous organization investigating the WT society , I felt it important to reveal some snippets of what the WT society instructed their elders regarding legal issues. In one section it states, " When someone seeks confidential information : You should never reveal confidential information to anyone unless theocratic procedure requires it or the branch office has instructed you to do so. ( Persons seeking confidential information may include an investigator, an attorney, a policeman, a detective, other law enforcement officers or government officials, school personnel, parties to a lawsuit, family members whether they are Jehovah's Witnesses or not, and even other elders or other persons who may not be entitled to the information. This applies to written materials and unwritten knowledge possessed by elders. It applies to records pertaining to a particular case and general materials , such as letters from the organization, the Shepherding textbook, and the Organization book. Even when secular authorities request confidential information, you are NOT obligated to answer questions before consulting the branch office. Oftentimes secular authorities request confidential information to which they are NOT legally entitled. Thus, you could subject yourself and the organization to civil liability if you reveal such confidential information. " Do you think the WT society is a tad nervous and paranoid at this juncture ?

    Another statement :, " Never turn over records, notes, or other documents or reveal any confidential matter sought by subpoena without first receiving legal direction from the Legal department. " And then, " strict confidentiality must be maintained to avoid unnecessary entanglement with secular authorities who may be CONDUCTING A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of the matter. "

    So basically - the WT society is instructing the elders that THEY , WT leaders are above the law , and desire that elders be accomplices with them in witholding even criminal investigation type information out of police authorities access ! Amazing.

    I put this thread here for any newly lurking JW's who may have missed this in April when someone posted this letter. It's important to recognize here that the WT society has become a criminal organization quite capable and adept at hiding crucially important information regarding their own criminal activity, but also hiding it from rank & file JW's as only elders get to see letters like this in JW worldwide congregations !

    So- As always I look forward to your comments, takes, and observations. With groups like Anonymous going after crucial information right now I do believe that the WT society is about to have a rude awakening that indeed, the WT leaders are NOT above answering to the laws of the land ! Now is the time to expose this people , don't delay - the iron is hot for striking. Rank & file JW's minds need to be freed as well as criminal activity towards minor children needs to be stopped. It's really that simple

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • DT

    That letter is interesting. The recent Anonymous data also suggests that they are involved with money laundering and tampering with the judicial process. I hope they are investigated and prosecuted.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    If you’re going to remain an Elder with the Jehovah’s Witness Organization or you presently are a Ministerial Servant reaching out for the position of oversight as an Elder, I strongly recommend looking into the possibility of obtaining malpractice clergy insurance. Especially should you consider this if you have assets such as a home that has equity and or a savings account that could eventually be attached in the event of a judgment against your congregation. You never know when WT may decide to throw you (the Elder) under the bus just as it has turned its’ back on many abused and molested JW children.

  • blondie

    I was reading another thread and I had a revelation, ha........

    David was God's anointed and the king...did he reason, I am above the law when he took another man's wife?

    Did he reason, I have to protect myself because I am "god's anointed" to the point that he had her husband killed.

    Does the GB reason we are selected by god to "lead" the spiritual nation, that even our own rules do not apply to ourselves, that we can "kill" by sacrificing children on the altar of abuse for the reputation of the organization?

    I think they do and have had first hand experience dealing with it.

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Mr Flipper,

    Is this the letter than SBC quotes here?

    From item 14

    Handling reports of other crimes: When the elders learn of alleged criminal activity
    on the part of one of Jehovah’s Witnesses or someone associated with the congregation as the accused
    or the victim, they should immediately call the Legal Department.

    Just great. Take care of the victim first? no. Make sure the authorities are informed so that justice can be done? not right now.

    Much more important to call the legal department!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Flipper said:

    So basically - the WT society is instructing the elders that THEY , WT leaders are above the law , and desire that elders be accomplices with them in witholding even criminal investigation type information out of police authorities access ! Amazing.

    Yeah, I don't see that as incriminating evidence that they "think they're above the law": that's reading something into it that maybe I'm missing, but just don't see it.

    They're advising elders to consult with the WT lawyers before providing information requested in a subpoena, just to make sure LEOs have followed due process in obtaining a subpoena, and it's on the up-and-up. That's just good common sense for ANYONE who is served with a subpoena: verify with a lawyer that it's valid BEFORE voluntarily providing info. (The issue of whether they should seek their OWN legal advice via their own lawyer vs seeking advice of WT lawyers, who are seeking to maximize the protection of THEIR clients assets, is another issue, indeed!)

    However, it's basically the same as telling suspects that they have the right to plead the 5th and talk to a lawyer before making any statements to the police, to avoid self-incrimination: pleading the 5th in no way implies that the suspect IS guilty, just that they need to verify their legal rights under the law before making any move.

  • jamiebowers
    The recent Anonymous data also suggests that they are involved with money laundering and tampering with the judicial process. I hope they are investigated and prosecuted.

    DT, I read that too, but I'm not so sure it was one of the hacktivists that said it. It could have been anyone who wrote that, because anyone can register there and make comments. I did, but not about the money laundering.

  • flipper

    DT- It wouldn't surprise me at all if the WT society is tampering with the justice system and involved in money laundering as well . I mean really who have they ever had to answer to except themselves ? They feel they are untouchable like Teflon, but it's time to pay the piper.

    JW GONEBAD- Extremely good point you make. I didn't know that insurance companies HAVE a thing called " malpractice clergy insurance " . Very true that the WT society will and HAS thrown elders under the bus legally for the sake of WT society interests. Many current elders I imagine are running scared right now as well.

    BLONDIE- Very good example you stated how the WT society considers itself, the leaders as above the law like King David did - stealing an innocent man's wife and throwing him under the sword actually. So it's no big stretch for WT leaders to throw innocent children to child molester wolves and try to wash their hands of any crime associated with it like Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus fate .

    RETROVIRUS- Yes indeed, the quote you highlight is in that letter as well. Exactly. WT society priorities are first and foremost WT society's legal liability rather than reporting child abuse to the police to save children from being victims. WT society's interests are the dollar $$$$$ mainly.

    KING SOLOMON- You make some good points that to the letter of the law are correct in regards to protecting liability of an organization - however- wouldn't moral consciousness and upstanding ethics dictate that an elder would immediately report a child abuse offense to police authorities BEFORE reporting to Bethel legal ? Because meanwhile- a child would continue to be molested while elders wait for 2 weeks or a month for Bethel legal to reply ! Just saying

  • Finkelstein

    Knowing of someone whose committed a grievous serious crime and not doing something about it might not be recognized

    as a crime in itself, laws vary from country to country.

    It should be considered at the very least a moral crime.

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