indications that the society having financial concerns

by outsmartthesystem 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    They've cut back their number of branch locations from 217 to 198 in the past year

    They've installed credit card machines at assemblies and conventions

    They've cut back on the number of pages in the Watchtower and Awake magazines (from 32 to 16)

    The majority of growth (baptisms) is coming from poorer countries

    They are selling their brooklyn properties valued at $1billion to move upstate.

    Please add to this list. I am trying to put together a list of indicators

  • rix

    Have you not read, the Brooklyn properties have a freeze on them until the court appeal is settled?

  • earthfire

    Do you have any links for that info rix? I'd love to read about that

  • sir82

    How far back do you want to go? They've been cutting expenses for the past 20 years.

    In addition to your list:

    -- Elimination of magazine subscriptions

    -- Elimination of food service at assemblies & conventions

    -- "Layoffs" of 2000+ Bethelites in the US, hundreds more worldwide

    -- Changeover from hardbound to softbound books (even Bibles for a while)

    -- Reduction of Awake magazine from semi-monthly to monthly (overall page count for Awake goes from 64 pages per month to 16 in less than a 10 year span)

    -- Increased use of large assembly halls for district conventions

    -- Annual "here's how to give us money" articles in the November Watchtower

  • Balaamsass

    What year was the proclamation about lack of money being a reason to shut it all down removed from the inside cover of the WATCHTOWER?

    I would love a timeline on the above events.

  • Finkelstein

    They are selling their Brooklyn properties valued at $1 billion to move upstate.

    Sounds to me like they hired some smart money managers.

    The Canadian branch as well the UK branch have posted net surpluses of 70 to 60 million each $$$

    Doesn't sound like the WTS. is strapped for cash at all but managing their money better.

    Since the WTS. doctrines are failing or weakening as time progresses, its possible that there's a new formation beginning

    in the works where the might morph into another religion with different names to their most publicized pieces of literature namely the Watchtower

    and Awake. They did this once before if you remember.

  • LV101

    I think they're just managing their money better, also. It's one mammoth laundering scheme and they've got bucks coming in. Go read on the Anonymous/Watchtower link and these crooks are in a league of their own.

  • Finkelstein

    Go read on the Anonymous/Watchtower link and these crooks are in a league of their own.

    But righteously anointed crooks !

    Their sale of their properties in Brooklyn is one big step up for them regarding their financial concerns as well as the sale

    of their branches outside of the States. $$$

    The stupid JWS don't know of this of course, of these enormous million dollar surpluses, they just keep telling

    the gullible naive ones to give, give , give and they do.

  • Finkelstein

    Religion can be quite the devious and corrupt business, for the money that was taken out of people never has to be legally returned.

    So if Armageddon doesn't come in the future the WTS cant really lose, it will always get richer $$$

  • LV101

    You're right, Fink -- they're not righteous or anointed in my book but know what ya mean.

    So the fire sale is a desperate move because of financial concerns --- I hope so! Their legal teams (outside firms) probably need bigger retainers these days.

    It's so sad the way their members are robbed all because of "freedom of religion".

    There needs to be a publishing business printing info to protect the public against these cults and monies collected paying for billboards --- ahhh, but that would hurt the protected religions. I'm not saying they're all bad.

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