Can You Believe this crap?

by Farkel 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dutchie

    Hi Derrick - Whether they knew or not that they were required to become an NGO in order to obtain a library card is not the point. The point is that they DID join and that gave every indication that they were aware that by joining that were giving allegiance to the UN and its policies. Something that regular JW's would be disfellowshipped for. I live in New York City and we all now that all UN books and information are eventually given to the central library on 42nd street and to other libraries around the city. There was no reason for them to even set foot in the UN. I am not surprised at their duplicity, and now they are exploiting the poor JW's who died in Hitler's concentration camps to get money for their organization. Ubelievable!

  • Nassau

    "Lastly, where the hell was "Jehovah" during those ten years the society was in bed with the UN? Why did He let them do that if He personally directs them? - Farkel"

    Good on you, Farkel!

  • Gozz

    Nassau, you quote Farkel, I suppose. But do you yourself suppose that the reckoning of time, accoring to the schedule of man matches that in the heavens? YOu may be a victim of falacious reasoning, for your words seem to convey the supposition that a decade of years is of great significance in the eyes of the almighty. A thousand years, the scriptures report, is like a day. You can do the math. Just think about it! The number of years that is wonderful in your eyes pales into totally significance, even in the face of this equivalence; a period of less than 15 minutes by the ticking of the clock on this earthly plane. Yet yhere is a simple error even in that rapid computation, you obtain a figure that dramatically pales into the depths of insignificance... But beyond the realm of mathematical computation, you must now think about reasons why this might have happened. Do you at all believe in the scriptures? For, if you cannot bring yourself to appreciate the marvelous things in that book, then there will be an incapacitation in the understanding of other things. Do you seek knowledge? Are you ready to dig for it, or rove on the pages, just as the anointed have progressively done at this time of the end? If you do, then you must experience great blessings yet untold. You will experience a peace absent from these slippery, tracherous shores.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Farkel,

    thanks for your logical and factual comments.
    I've taken what I believe the "nails ":

    1)"They have a bevy of lawyers that do nothing but read and re-read not only the literature they want to publish but virtually EVERY legal document before it is signed. And EVERY time they renewed that document, it basically said the same thing and said it clearly, as I have pointed out: they promised to uphold and promote the interests of the United Nations. Are you naive enough to think that THAT part of the agreement went unnoticed by WT legal?"

    and for those still in doubt:

    2) "Furthermore, since the UN was supposed to be so evil and Satan directed for decades, why were they so sloppy in signing a document they hadn't even "read" thoroughly. Sorry, Rick. It doesn't wash. They are hypocrites of the worst sort."

    Great stuff, congratulations.

    All the best to you personally, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    Do you seek knowledge? Are you ready to dig for it, or rove on the pages, just as the anointed have progressively done at this time of the end? If you do, then you must experience great blessings yet untold. You will experience a peace absent from these slippery, tracherous shores.


    Are YOU humble enough to accept the truth?

  • Sargon

    If 10 years is so insignificant to your God, then by your reasoning, the few minutes it took for Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit should also be insignificant in the sands of time to jehovah.
    Many a navigator with an open eye finds safe harbour on these treacherous shores.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • Five Gospels
    Five Gospels

    Oh crap!

    I wish I were at home reading this because I could post the relevant Watchtower articles from my CDROM.

    One is a rather lengthy article (a Questions from Readers) that explains why a "true Christian" would never become affiliated in any way shape or form with the YMCA for any reason. Replace the word YMCA with UN and you have a very powerful case against Society's association.

    And just in case anybody objects to this on the grounds that the UN is not a religious organization, there is another nice article that explains why the UN is in fact a religious organization.

    I'm sure these articles have been posted elsewhere but if nobody can find the links (or knows what articles I'm referring to) I'll post them tonight.

    Five Gospels

  • Seeker4

    Farkel, good post. You're right, there is no excuse. The WTS got involved with the UN as an NGO to provide some sort of legitimacy and protection for the Org overseas. That's my take on it. You know, they couldn't really rely on Jehovah for protection. And with a million lawyers down there at Bethel, for damn sure there is no excuse for signing a legal document they "didn't understand."

    And Gozz - is that pretentious, overblown paragraph serious or a satire?? It reads like the worst Watchtower writer conspired on it with the worst Southern fundamentalist (think Freddie Franz's and Pat Robertson's love child).

    Incapacitation indeed. Tripe, my friend, or brilliant satire?


  • Sargon

    Five Gospels,
    I await your return home, i'm interested to see these articles.
    Good points Seeker, I also agree this is a good post.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • TR


    I appreciate your topic. I love the way you shit-can WTS propoganda. LOL!

    where's a solid rebuttal to that proof without the ad hominems and red herrings?
    It's becoming quite apparent that the WTS invented ad hominem and red herrings.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

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