Witness logic is too strong to break

by sleepy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Witness logic is too strong to break.
    Why is witness logic so strong and powerful?
    Because it isn't logic at all.

    DANIEL BOOK Ch.13 pg.292 p.11.
    "The next two verses of Daniel chapter 12 do even more to help us identify "the holy ones of the supreme one."..."The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse"..Who are the ones having insight today?Again the evidence points to the same holy ones of the supreme one."After all, who but the faithful anointed remnant had the insight to discern that Micheal, the great prince, began standing in 1914?"

    100 points a gold star and a piece of pie to the first one to identify the dodgy logic.

  • master chief
    master chief

    well taste some of this logic: 1893-no organisation needed /wt/1893p.266-----1894-not part of lords plan to have organisation/wt/12.1.1894p.384-----1895-beware of organisation/wt/9.15.1895p.216-----and then to logical progression--1955-respect organisation/wt or awake/p.380----1957-obedience to organisation/wt/5.1.57/p.274----submit to godgiven headship/wt/12.15.72/p.755----1983-organisation essential to lords plan/wt/2.15.83/p.12/---- now isnt that shining logic for you bye for now "mario"

  • Farkel

    : DANIEL BOOK Ch.13 pg.292 p.11.
    : "The next two verses of Daniel chapter 12 do even more to help us identify "the holy ones of the supreme one."..."The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse"..Who are the ones having insight today?Again the evidence points to the same holy ones of the supreme one."After all, who but the faithful anointed remnant had the insight to discern that Micheal, the great prince, began standing in 1914?"

    : 100 points a gold star and a piece of pie to the first one to identify the dodgy logic.

    Piece of cake. A sound logical argument requires not only assertions, but evidence to back up those assertions. The evidence the WTS offers is invisible and utterly immpossible to prove, or to disprove.

    For you logic students, a "valid" logical argument does not require proof of assertions, because an argument is valid if the conclusion must necessary follow from the assertions. A "sound" logical argument requires that the assertions be tested and proven.

    This is an example of a valid logical argument that is not sound:

    All plants have dorsal fins and live on Mars.

    All dogs are plants.

    Therefore, all dogs have dorsal fins and live on Mars.


  • sleepy

    Imagine going to court.

    "Sir can you prove you weren't there?"

    "Yes I was in outer space"

    "Is there anyone who can confirm this?"

    "No, only i believe it, the rest of the world rejects it as silly"

    "Oh so you must have been there, your logic defies me."

  • Seeker4

    Yeah, a typical example of Witness "thinking."

    Who are the holy ones of the supreme one? We are. (Proof? - We say so, and we're the holy ones of the supreme one. Would we lie?)

    Who are the ones having insight today? We are. (Proof? - We say so, and we're the holy ones of the supreme one. Would we lie?)

    What? You want more proof that we're the only ones having insight today? Well, we're the ONLY religion that had the insight to discern that Micheal, the great prince, began standing in 1914. So there!!!

    What? You want proof that Micheal, the great prince, began standing in 1914, invisible in the heavens? Hey, we say so, and we're the holy ones of the supreme one. Would we lie?


  • Englishman


    Just re-read your logo.

    It doesn't actually say "Stop the fucking, instantly, does it?


  • Seeker4

    Good god, no!!!

    You know me better than that.

    Still chuckling over that one.

  • Sargon

    I like that concept sleepy, logic through unlogic...
    food for thought.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • gumby

    More JW logic

    God made the earth to remain forever
    His purpose was to have people on it
    God never changes his purpose
    Since the bible say's some will go to heaven, then that means some would have to live on the earth
    This is why we believe in TWO DIFFERENT GROUPS of christians within our organization.
    We are the truth because no one else teaches this except for us and so this makes us the truth.

  • Elsewhere

    Hmm let me see. Their logic is:

    1. We are god's people because we got the 1914 thing right.
    2. We know that the 1914 thing is right because we are god's people.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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