A new JW Urban Legend in the making?

by NikL 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    Got this e mail that seems to be making the rounds. Sounds made up to me but in case you are interested in this sort of thing read on...

    Interesting remarks at Morning Worship from Tom & Esther Chin:
    Monday, January 28, David Splane, a member of the Governing Body conducte
    morning worship. In his comments he referred to the last sentence in the
    comments on the days text, showing how neither silver or gold could prote
    wrongdoers in the day of Jehovah's anger. How it is the same today and h
    so many of our brothers and sisters show their faith in Jehovah and
    appreciate how money is not more important than life or principle.
    He then told of how he had attended a graduation of a Ministerial Trainin
    School in Turnersville, NJ a few months ago.
    It seems to be the custom that, as part of the graduation exercise, stude
    will tell about the arrangements they had to make in their lives in order
    be able to attend,the two month school. Some took leave of absences, oth
    actually lost jobs.
    One brother related how, back in August of 2001, he received a job offer
    from a very prestigious company (one he had been hoping and working towar
    for a long time). Almost the same day he received his letter inviting hi
    to attend the Ministerial Training School. When he went before the compa
    for his interview, he told them he was very interested in the job. Howev
    he would have to have the first two months off to attend the school. The
    told him that there was no way, unless he reported for work the next Mond
    morning, the job would go to someone else. =0D
    Our brother could have reasoned that he had really waited a very, long ti
    for this job. Perhaps he could go ahead and start the job, and after he
    more or less gotten his foot in the door and proven his worth, he would t
    be able to get the time off and attend a future school (after all they do
    have Ministerial Training Schools on a regular basis). But he realized i
    was a privilege from Jehovah, so there was no option here. He did not ha
    to think twice, he declined the job. =0D
    Well, he knew he had made the proper decision, and he asked the audience
    they knew where he would have been, today, if he had declined attending t
    school, and had taken the job. =0D
    You see, if he had gone to work for that company, he would have been work
    ing on one of the top floors of the World Trade Center.

  • JBean

    Yup... heard this one already. Definite urban legend stuff!

  • Silverleaf

    I have to say it's very crafty of them to glom onto something so tragic and use it to their own purposes. If you think about it, considering that tens of thousands of people worked in and visited those buidlings every day, statistically there would have to be quite a few people who: lost their jobs days or weeks before the attack, scheduled a vacation around that time, called in sick, over slept, had scheduled personal days, had meetings cancelled or for some other convoluted reason were not there on that fateful day when with a simple twist of fate they might have been. How do the JWs explain how all those OTHER people were spared and what explanation do they give to the grieving families of those who were not?


  • slipnslidemaster

    Noticed that an abbreivated version of that "experience" was in the Kingdumb Ministry for I believe January.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

  • mustang

    It happens as Silverleaf said, for various and sundry cases all over the landscape.

    Once I was scheduled for a business trip late in the week. Monday afternoon other things pre-empted me and I was reassigned to other tasks. My original assignment was picked up by another person, who simply walked over to our travel agent and said that he was taking my place. He didn't like the schedule and changed my arrangements to his liking.

    The plane I was originally scheduled on crashed.


  • Geordie

    I too have been very lucky.

    If i had booked a flight from the uk to new york, then a taxi to the world trade centre, then booked a tour, I too could have been on the top floor at that very moment.

    The lord truely does work in mysterious ways.

    Lets not forget that the guy could have taken the job, been stuck in traffic, and missed the thing by minutes.

    He could have taken the job, got there ontime and been killed. (God forbid)
    Would they then have sead that " he should have listened to his heart and not his wallet"?

    There self rightious bollox realy makes me sick.

  • slipnslidemaster

    I found it. It's the January one. Kent has it on his site.


    First page, third column at the top is the apprieviated version.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

  • slipnslidemaster

    Sorry, that link doesn't work.

    Goto Kent's site: watchtower.observer.org and select on the left side the Secret Books link.

    Then go to the January Kingdumb Ministry and its on the first page.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

  • Abaddon

    Geordie; I know what you mean; my dad could have moved to the US in 1980, I could have graduated first in my class at Harvard, and been sat in the corner office having tantric sex with my PA when the planes crashed.

    Fortunately because of my devotion to and belief in Big Chief I-Spy I was saved...

    Good to see you posting again; you popped up for a wee while and then were gone, but you've got a nice dry sense of humour mate.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • mustang

    On the other side of the balance sheet, I thought that I heard (at least in the initial reports) that there were some missing 'brothers
    & sisters' in the whole mess.

    Has anyone clarified that? Were any others caught in the WTC buildings???

    So, one individual gets a reprieve by 'providence', and a big deal is made of it. (Reminds me of being elected to sainthood, as the Catholics do.)

    What is the story with that other few or dozen that were caught in the disaster and killed???

    Will they be posthumously DF'd to keep the saint-ified 'brother' story spotless??


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