What JW's on MSN Think of This Site...

by teenyuck 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    I cut and pasted from Just JW's on MSN...I will post the link, however, if you are not a member you cannot link in...somehow I got accepted! I think TR is a member also!

    From: RR144 (Original Message) Sent: 21/01/2002 07:03
    The jehovahs-witness.com site is NOT a Jehovah's Witness site. It is
    filled with apostates and disgruntled members. If you do not want to
    lose faith I would advise you NOT to visit, it is not very pretty. It is
    the Sodom and Gomorah of websites.

    Another user writes:

    From: Joel Sent: 21/01/2002 12:46
    RR144 is right!

    Please, no cut & paste postings from other communities!!


    Another writer:

    From: cosmiq (Original Message) Sent: 22/01/2002 15:36
    Hello all...i hope everyone is well today?
    Well i've been doing a bit of surfing and found a community site that to be honest I found quite disturbing! It's alt.jehovah'switnesses! or sumink like that...I'd be VERY careful if or when you come accross this site as it's members are mainly apostates, non-worshipers of jevovah and some very unsavery characters! It's up to you of course if you want to enter the site and you may not feel the way that i do...but...it really spooked me to read some of the content that the site had!
    A lot of people are questioning the truth and having debates about the blood issue all of which wasn't the sort of debate that a true christian should be involved in!
    Well thats my little bit for today anyway!

    Oh...still haven't met any of you guys in the chat room YET!! perhaps one day???

    And finally:

    From: baz Sent: 22/01/2002 15:48

    hello,in reply to your message COS ,i have to say be very careful of those
    kind of sites,don`t read anything because like you said it SPOOKED you,from
    experience i had a nasty time, making me wish that i had not been so
    curious,nothing major but all the same disturbing.so i`m just saying this
    because i know that the devil is trying all sorts to get even one away from
    the truth,it is a very difficult time keep your senses.love brother Baz.

  • 25ashitaka25


    {horns sprout from head}



  • teenyuck

    I kinda like being on the "the Sodom and Gomorah of websites"...what fun we have had....

    The postings on that web site are so dull it is incredible.

    They really shoot down anyone who questions any theory. They tell them they are spiritually weak or that they need a "free, in-home bookstudy."

  • LDH


    Putting on her detective cap.....

    From: RR144 (Original Message) Sent: 21/01/2002 07:03
    Is this *our* RR?

    He seems to have a love/hate relationship with us!

    RR please answer!


  • lydia

    They really don't think that we are for the cause of the Borg!! How shocking........hehehehe!

    I personally find this site to be excellent... and full of the truth so very lacking in the "Troof".

  • detective

    Now how many of them are scurrying on over here to check out this site as a result? Publicity, publicity, publicity!!

    That's an excellent way to drum up business. Probably some savvy non-witness cooked that one up to get a few folks over here by piquing their curiousity.

    For all those lurking due to the free advertisement...howdy!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    "If you do not want to lose faith I would advise you NOT to visit"

    This cracks me up everytime! They must sure walk a fine line. Like the slightest whiff of critique and poof, the rug is out.
    i think that poster had doubts already.

  • peaceloveharmony

    oh the stupidity!

    A lot of people are questioning the truth and having debates about the blood issue all of which wasn't the sort of debate that a true christian should be involved in!

    what???? i know i've read in watchtower publications that christians are to make sure of ALL things? and on the blood thing, hello???? peoples lives are at stake!


  • waiting
    A lot of people are questioning the truth

    Can't be questioning "The Truth"? Can't think freely? Must conform and stem our minds to the controlled thinking of the WTBTS?

    and having debates about the blood issue all of which wasn't the sort of debate that a true christian should be involved in!
    Yeah, just lay down and die like that poor Connecticut woman last week. Just accept whatever's told - no questions, no problems, eh?

    That's the Truth!


  • teenyuck

    One of the posts, which I will have to cut and paste on a new thread is about molestation...they really ripped the person who put the link to silentlambs and deleted the original entry with the web link.

    They also have issues with just being on the internet...as discussed on an earlier thread, they are terrified of the web and what damage can result.

    I still cannot figure out how I got accepted...I put in a web address and got my acceptance! I did not have to prove what cong I go to or know someone who will "sponsor" me on the site.

    What fun...

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