ICSA Conference Day 1 - Can the Law be an Enemy of Cult Victims?

by Lady Lee 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Can the Law be an Enemy of Cult Victims?

    One thing I have believed for a long time is that the techniques used by cults on their victims are far more sophisticated and subtle than the techniques used by some of the early mind control techniques used by the CIA in its experiments, the re-education programs of China that Lifton researched.

    Alan Scheflin and Steven Hassan started off immediately by validating that belief. There is no comparison. Physical torture is often not necessary for most cults. Mind you there are many who do use physical torture but it isn’t a requirement. There are many ways to torture someone without ever laying a finger on them.

    Early programming techniques often relied on degrading a person or implanting various phobias.

    Scheflin used the term “undue influence” and that alone on some individuals especially those who might be approached when they are particularly vulnerable, would certainly be enough to attain and maintain control over a person.

    Another term used was “informed consent”. This too is a concept I have used many times. Certainly if people knew everything about a group right away few people would choose to join. Cults hide a lot of information from prospective recruits. They even hide a lot from their own members. History has a way of becoming irrelevant.

    It isn’t surprising that many cults are campaigning to take the term “mind control” out of the DSM-V (the bible of diagnosing mental health issues used by professionals working with victims of abuse. The removal of this term would effectively nullify the main method that all abusers use on their victim – not just cult victims but victims of childhood abuse, spousal abuse, prisoners of war, etc.

    Steven Hassan spoke emotionally and briefly about a young woman Lisa McPherson, a Scientologist who died after a car accident and the interference of Scientologists that led to her death. Hassan, choked up when he spoke of how Lisa had begged for medical care which was refused. Lisa died in their care after 3 weeks without the medical care she needed.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was fascinated by the history of mind control techniques. I have been referring to Lifton for years now. But it was quite something when Sheflin referred to the USA's CIA's mind control experiments that had been carried out in Montreal at the Allem Memorial Hospital - really not far from where we were sitting in the conference hall.

    I thnk the law has been used by cults in whatever form they take has allowed cults a lot of freedom simply because the law had no way of knowing how much these groups relied on unethical forms of indoctrination.

    Now they want to move into the field of psychology and take over that by removing terms like mind control out of the medical mind.

    Conferences like this one help to expose their unethical and immoral methods of indoctrination, manipulation, control and "punishment" of their members

  • Sapphy

    Lady Lee, I just read the back story on Lisa McPherson. That's truly shocking. Thanks for these updates.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    That just made me sick. Any religions' beliefs that deny a person their legal rights should be denied their rights re tax exemptions and the legal loopholes they use to literally get away with murder or at the least manslaughter need to be closed so tight so they won't be able to do this to their victims

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Intersting that cults want the term 'mind conrol' out of the new DSM. . . Thanks for the information.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yea as long as mind control is defined as something that is used as a tool to control and manipulate people the cults can try to deny they use it. They are just "educating" people

    But when you put "undue influence", lack of "informed consent" and "mind control" all together the picture doesn't look too rosy

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