The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses - Explained

by cedars 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    Sauerkraut: Funny how between the lines, or not really, they equate themselves with the faithful slave, they might as well get rid of that phrase and be upfront and use governing body everytime.

    Interesting observation and comment. The thing is they canNOT drop the concept of the F&DS (even though they've as much as admitted it's a sham) because IT (the F&DS) is the concept upon which their alleged authority is based.

    No F&DS, no authority. So even though the WT has acknowledged that the GB do not even attempt to include the "anointed" ones around the globe in their decision making or have two-way communication with them in any way shape or form, they still have to keep up the pretense that they somehow "represent" these people.

    It's a fraud.

    Have you read Don Cameron's "Captives of a Concept"? I highly recommend it. He shows how the concept of a F&DS is fundamental to JW beliefs and WT/GB authority. He then deconstructs the concept in a variety of manners. It's an informative read.


  • cedars

    00DAD - so when do I get this email?!

    [edit post: Oh, just saw your last post. I've found it in the junk folder, sorry! Bear with me...]


  • 00DAD

    Cedars, glad you got it. Nothing revelatory. Just some additional info that you might not have had.

    I think it's interesting to consider some statistics.

    • Their current ages range from 56 - 77, the average being 67
    • The oldest current member, Guy H. Pierce, is 77 years old
      • He was also the oldest to be "appointed" at 64
    • The average age for "appointment" to the GB is 55
    • Two GB members were under 50 when "appointed"
      • M. Stephen Lett was 49 when "appointed" in 1999
      • Geoffrey Jackson was 49 when "appointed" in 2005
    • The average length of time on the GB is 12 years
    • Gerrit Lösch has been on the GB 5 years longer than anyone else currently a member
      • He is the only GB member "appointed" before the 1995 change to the "generation" doctrine
    • Two have been GB members for only the last 7 years
      • Jackson and Morris both "appointed" in 2005
  • cedars

    Yes 00DAD, it is interesting to see the statistics. The thing that amazes me most, as I've mentioned on another thread, is the fact that they are so thin on the ground, and yet so reticent to draft in "fresh blood". Maybe the fact that their criteria are so demanding (i.e. new recruits must be of a certain age/organizational experience) goes some way to explaining this.


  • Sauerkraut

    @ 00DAD: read about the book yesterday, it's on my list and I'll get it next month. It's sad, we believe that we've been liberated as Christians but the Watchtower Society has constructed a system that is just as focused on laws, regulations and policies as the Jewish we're supposed to leave behind. And it keeps getting worse. The weird things is: we're told to read the bible daily all the time, but only with our minds turned off. We talk about truth all the time but we don't search for it, we sit back and believe we know it all and like mocking all the "unbelievers". Oh, speaking of which, that term "unbelievers" really bothers me, usually religous fundamentalists use that. I'm aware that Paul used it, but his openess towards others makes it different, nowadays it's annoying. We're supposed to preach to unbelievers and respect them and at the same time look down upon them... Okay, gotta stop using the "we" form now. Lots of Witnesses are really good people, with good hearts. Hopefully more will wake up and see reality.

    @ Cedars: PM on the way.

  • cedars

    Thanks Sauerkraut, you have a PM!


  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    I don´t know if this question has been up before. Anyway, a reflection, is there a small chance that members from the GB scanning this forum sometimes to get useful tips and ideas from here? Or are they juat occupied with their own business?

  • LogCon


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