Hemophiliac Horror Before Clotting Factors Were Available (READ)

by turtleturtle 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • turtleturtle

    *** g75 2/22 p. 30 Watching the World ***

    ♦ Certain clotting “factors” derived from blood are now in wide use for the treatment of hemophilia, a disorder causing uncontrollable bleeding. However, those given this treatment face another deadly hazard: the Swiss medical weekly SchweizerMedWochenschrift reports that almost 40 percent of 113 hemophiliacs studied had cases of hepatitis. “All these patients had received whole blood, plasma, or blood derivatives containing [the factors],” notes the report. Of course, true Christians do not use this potentially dangerous treatment, heeding the Bible’s command to ‘abstain from blood.’—Acts 15:20, 28, 29.

  • Bobcat

    Does anyone know the position and timeline of the WT stance on this (the clotting factor, esp the factor VIII concentrate?

    TD posted this timeline on another thread.

    (1) In September of 1958 "fractions" such as the diphtheria antitoxin were allowed on the basis that they 'do not nourish the body'.

    (2) In June of 1982, blood was divided into "major" and "minor" components, with the major ones forbidden and the minor ones allowed. The only basis for this distinction ever offered was raw percentage of blood volume

    (3) In June of 1990, blood was divided on the basis of transference across the placental barrier.

    (4) In June of 2000, blood was divided into "primary" and "secondary" components, with the primary ones forbidden and the secondary ones allowed. This distinction reflects the way blood products are package and transported, although that has not actually been stated.

    So I was wondering where in here the clotting factor VIII concentrate fit officially fit in as approved from the WT standpoint.

    Take Care

  • Bobcat

    Looking around ...

    No one seems to be watching ...


  • allyouneedislove

    I dont know, Bobcat. The whole blood fractions/methods using one own's blood is a muddy mess.


  • allyouneedislove

    Mommy, can I please take that new clotting factor to stop my agony?

  • sf

    As stated in the other thread...that died a slow death...pun intended:

    Look. If WTBTS had just said years ago that a transfusion is not wise due to extreme health risks, supported by science, we would not have ANY PROBLEM HERE.


    Am I clear?

    Thank you.

    Hi Marvin.


  • rebel8
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hemophiliac Horror AFTER Clotting Factors Were Available…

    The Watchtower organization misses no opportunity to scare people about transfusion of blood products, and to lie about ramifications of its own blood doctrine.

    Hemophilia, clotting factors and AIDS

    Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that can be managed with administration of clotting factors. During the 1980s hemophiliacs around the world were contracting AIDS from transfusion of clotting factors. This epidemic ended when it was learned the disease was transmitted as a bloodborne pathogen and that heat treatment of clotting factors would eliminate risk of AIDS transmission from this source.

    In the meantime hemophiliacs were dying from these AIDS tainted products and the Watchtower organization made hay out of it by heralding this sad outcome as another instance of Jehovah protecting Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Here is the catch

    There were hemophiliacs among Jehovah’s Witnesses too. And these were suffering the same outcome as all the other hemophiliacs because Watchtower’s blood doctrine allowed them to accept all the same clotting factor products as all the other hemophiliacs. These Witnesses were no more “protected” from this transmission of AIDS than anyone else! But, of course, Watchtower failed to mention this little factoid. So much for “the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God”!

    Facts are something the Watchtower organization has never let stand in its way. It just trounces on them and keeps on truckin, all the while preying on the innocent ignorance of so many of its followers.

    Readers can learn more about this episode in Watchtower history at:

    Watchtower Blood Doctrine Facts available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2010/04/watchtower-blood-doctrine-facts.html

    Marvin Shilmer


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