All JWs share the same belief

by biometrics 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • irondork

    What is Christian unity? Simply put, if you take a position in that opposes us and we will destroy you and everything you hold dear.

    We send our warm Christian greetings:

    The Governing Body

  • LouBelle

    When I chose to leave and the elders came to speak to me I told them: " a number of men, sit 20 000kms away from, have no clue who I am or what my problems are, dish up these so called spiritual truth on a platter and I have to accept it or else. I can't question them, I cant research it without getting into trouble. I don't want to live like that any more. What they serve up is 'milk'. I have outgrown it and want to sink my teeth into the 'meat' of the word"

  • Quendi

    The unanimity of belief among Jehovah's Witnesses has been purchased at a terrible price: surrender of one's God-given free will and power of reason.


  • carla

    "I've been invited to speak with other Christian groups"- I don't believe him nor do I believe he actually went to another faiths Bible study.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    It is uniformity, not unity!

  • Terry

    What was "right" or "wrong"--at one point in time--was a matter of SAME BELIEF if you agreed with Russell's "opinion" (i.e. direct contact with God).

    As time passed each item of "belief" either matched reality as it ocurred or was defeated by events proving otherwise.

    Now what?

    Were items of belief (which did NOT match reality) identified as "wrong" or "mere opinion"? This would be honest.

    Were excuses made or changes in wording wrought to disguise error? This would indicate a knowledge of guilt and error.

    As each year has passed for the last century of Jehovah's Witness teaching of "The Truth" actual events have had a say in the doctrines.

    Leadership has demonstrated what was human opinion and what was divinely communicated knowledge whether they DESIRED this refutation by events or not!

    But, an honest discussion has never been aired, published or even permitted to vent individual skepticism.

    The most that has been confessed was when President Rutherford spoke of his making an ass of himself in his 1925 speculation-as-prophecy.

    Cutesy "anxious for the promises" terminology is inserted into text when they blow their awful predictions for Armageddon.

    No regard is voiced for the impact of Shared-Belief when it goes wrong for the rank and file. In fact, the tables are turned on them as "running ahead" of Jehovah's Organization.

    Putting all the eggs in one basket is wonderful solidarity until the basket is smashed.

    A safeguard of "loyal opposition" Q & A would allow transparency to the process of disseminating what is obviously OPINION passed off as "divine".

    Love of God has been replaced by Unquestioned Loyalty to human leaders....right or wrong.

    Reality is ignored to present a commonality of agreement.

    In matters of Life and Death it is always a wise course of action to get a 2nd opinion.

  • Ding
    "I've been invited to speak with other Christian groups"

    JWs wouldn't say this because they don't believe there ARE any OTHER Christian groups...

  • Nambo

    "It was a shame he left in such a hurry. I was going to ask him another question"

    Best thing to do with Jehovahs Witnesses who wont listen to your reasoning and try to leave is to put your foot in the door.

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