Does it matter if they're happy?

by Zico 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zico

    This is something I am conflicted about.

    Since leaving the JW religion, I have generally thought there are many JWs I should leave alone. If they are happy in the religion, I reasoned, why try to force a change in their beliefs, particularly among those older JWs who have spent so long serving the WTS? Certainly, I'd be willing to help any JW who clearly didn't seem to fit the religion, or couldn't live up to its rules, but there are some JWs who I think would be happier in than they would be without it.

    Otoh, I have been thinking recently, that these JWs by their presence in the religion, are providing the power to the Society that allows them to damage/ruin so many other JWs lives, so perhaps it doesn't matter what one JWs personal situation is, perhaps I should be trying to 'free' everyone I can in an attempt to contribute to the Society's eventual downfall.

    What are your opinions on this?

  • undercover

    If they leave me alone, I leave them alone.

    I try hard to think of JWs as I do any other religion. They're all wrong. I can't convince 15 million Mormons that they're in a wacky cult and I can't convince 7 million JWs they're in a wacky cult. If they choose to live this way, then that's their decision. Sometimes that's hard because we've been affected by JWism and not Mormonism or other religions. That's why we have such strong feelings about it.

    If an individual JW seeks to make a project out of me, then it's fair game. I'll defend myself and will work to expose their errors.

  • Morbidzbaby

    I have the same philosophy as undercover, essentially. I have family still in, but if that's what floats their boat, there's nothing I can do and I won't be the antagonist in the situation. However, if they think that just because I'm inactive that I need to be beaten over the head with Watchtower theology, I WILL defend my stance and call their crap to attention.

  • mrsjones5

    What undercover said

  • daringhart13

    What undercover said nails it.

    If they leave me alone; I leave them alone.........if they bother me, I'll stick my foot so far up their arse, they'll need a crane to pull it out

  • jgnat

    Can you tell a smoker to quit, an extreme sport fanatic to give it up, or a fat person to get thin?

  • Phizzy

    I agree with what Undercover said, and the other posters. I also do think it would be very hard on some if they were forced to wake up, realise they had wasted their lives in a cult/scam posing as areligion, and not much of their lives are left.

    Let 'em go to their grave believing they did right.

    Now, young , and younger, ones are different, as are older ones who genuinely wish to find their way out, both of those groups will get all the help I can give them.

  • LouBelle

    I know when I was in I defended my 'truth' and nothing anyone said was going to change that.

    It is not up to me to free anyone. Each person needs to sort their own salvation out (and I don't mean that in christianity terms). If they want to know more and are questioning, then they will search, ask and question. Then you can be there to discuss whatever it is they want to dicuss.

  • Jeffro
    If they are happy in the religion, I reasoned, why try to force a change in their beliefs, particularly among those older JWs who have spent so long serving the WTS?

    If it were simply a matter of them minding their own business living their own lives the way they want, then maybe.

    But aside from the way the attitude and actions of JWs affects the lives of those who leave, it is also a condition of membership to try to spread their false hope to others.

  • wasblind

    If a JW is Happy in their religion fine, but the door they knock on may feel the same way

    I didn't realize how satisfyin' my life was , until I left for so called " Greener Grass "

    they need to stop bein' so damn pushy, the KH is in the Phone book, if anyone is interested

    the inerested person can give 'em a call

    as the sayin' go, " Don't call on us, will call you " and only if we are interested

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