Not so subtle message in convention drama

by dothemath 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • dothemath

    My take on the drama this year is yet another slam against having children........

    The "ideal" is still to pioneer........they're the ones put on a pedestal, both the younger and older couples.

    The young mother, is forced to care for a cranky, crying child.......

  • WTWizard

    Nice way to waste people's whole lives. If you are going to put so much into a religion, you better get a lot out of it. Yet, most pious-sneers that pious-sneer their whole lives get nothing but destitution, stagnation, and ultimately damnation. Their whole lives revolve around the religion, and yet they learn nothing. Most of their days consist of field circus, boring work, and boasting sessions. Their lives revolve around a LIE-ble that they don't even abide by.

    Now, if they were actually getting something worthwhile, it might be acceptable. If doing all that work actually developed their soul, fine. But, if they are only going to stagnate for all that hard work, the benefits are zilch and the costs huge. Yet, they push pious-sneering to the fore.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Yuppers. Didn't even notice that...stupid me.

  • mrsjones5

    No, not stupid CE. I went to district assemblies/conventions from birth to the age of 23. I don't remember what any of those dramas were about. Oh I remember watching but content, no. I liken it to my sub-conscience protecting me from cult drivel. That's damn smart.

  • 3Mozzies

    If the JWs don't breed how will they ever grow in numbers?


  • Refriedtruth

    I attended all conventions since 1957 birth.The 1988 DC Rhode Island they featured a talk with a follow up Watchtower months later,they came right out and said DON'T HAVE KIDS.

    The 'counsel' was spun around how Noah's family of 7 needed to be childless in order to devote full time ark building.Interesting that with no modern contraception they went 40 years no kids.

    Does anybody remember this??? THINK of all the women close to menopause who were childless and lost forever that chance to have a baby.

    So a pioneering I went....... right into car groups of Rockland Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses bitchy predatory sexually harnessing alpha sisters who clawed away at each other for points.

    ( Not to insult all the good women of JWN and of the world but these 'sisters' were shocking insufferable)

  • ShirleyW

    Hey Refried, I see we're the same age, but I haven't been to a mtg or assembly since the early 80's, I know they said don't have kids way back in the 40's and 50's and even before that I'm sure, but I thought they eased up on saying that. If they were still saying that 1988, and since they always have some bible scriptures to back them up, do you remember any scriptures they twisted around when they said that, funny, only thing I can remember about having kids is "be fruitful and fill the earth".

    And by the way, why isn't pregnancy a DA or DF offense, would love to see them try to carry that out !!

  • jgnat

    Since people will be people regardless of their professed beliefs, this must lead to a fair number of guilty Witness parents. Guilty and perhaps a little...resentful of their progeny?

    Most I see try to live up to the model of the parents in the Sparlock video. Outwardly gentle while passive-agressive loading the child with unreasonable burdens.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    ...Interesting that with no modern contraception they went 40 years no kids

    Math is simple: 40 years no nookie = 40 years no kids.

  • respectful_observer

    Interestingly enough, I've heard something of the opposite from many of the "friends". Maybe it's just where I live but more and more I'm hearing from the 55+ crowd complaining that "no one is having children anymore! All the congregations in our circuit used to be full of young families with tons of little kids everywhere. Now all we have is couples that aren't having kids and work and go on nice vacations instead. It's sooo sad."

    We've been told many times. "Why haven't you had kids? Maybe if you do, some of the other couples will follow your lead!" My response varies, but lately I cite what the DO said at the DC this summer, that 70% of JW kids leave "The Truth TM ." Then I ask them if they'd like those odds of never being able to talk to their children or grandchildren again. They usually get a very deflated/depressed look on their face and walk away with their shoulders sagging.


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