WTBTS responds to my friends letter (scan)

by hungry4life 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Frenchy.. thanks. Im good at getting the fish smell out of an inquiry.

    You could stipulate you want an answer directly from them because you have heard they turn it over to local people to handle it, but you would rather THEY answer it as you want it directly from the source.

  • HyTech

    They only want the names so they can send the letter to her congregation elders (if she is part of one). This happened to me a few years ago. I wrote directly to the GB and 3 or 4 months later, 2 elders stopped by to say they wanted to go over my questions with me that I had about the Society and its' teachings. Funny thing is, it was the same 2 elders that stopped by around Christmas time because they had seen the lights on the front of my house and were concerned. (They haven't shown any concern in 2 years.) I asked them why they were stopping now after so long when we weren't even in touch with anyone from the hall. They told me and my wife that we were being avoided by everyone because of that letter written 2 years ago. I asked them how it became public knowledge when it was only sent to the elders. This was the point they said it was getting late and would like to set up a meeting to discuss our association. Tell the Sister who srote the letter to NEVER give her real name if she does not want to be investigated or "Marked".

    Just my 2 cents.

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks Hungryforlife
    for what its worth, i have a lot of trouble scanning too.

    It seems they are scared of inadvertandly replying to a journalist or (horrors) an apostate, after all their letter might even end up on the internet.. as if?

    But we all take a risk when we post replies to items of a personal nature. We know that the poster MIGHT not be genuine. but we still do it because we believe in the honour of our humankind and are willing to take that risk to help someone, or help ourselves.
    Long may that continue.

  • Pathofthorns

    I thought the line that they would like to respond after knowing the circumstances that led up to the questions. While that information may be nice to know, it generally is irrelevant and is typical of the Society's concern over motive than the actual issues raised.


  • hungry4life

    I also find it interesting that the first sentence says "among the many readers of The Watchtower who write in for information are some who ask personal questions to to which they want scriptural answers.....". Then in describing the process through which letters are answered it says "...a personal answer will be sent and in many cases reference will be made to the Watchtower publications that discussed the point in question.

    Well at least they are being honest people want scriptural answers but what they get are referrals to the Watchtower.

    For those of you wondering how my friend is doing she is hanging in there. An elder and his wife stopped by her house on Sunday and inquired about her absence at meetings. He is new to her congregation and didn't even come in just grilled her at the door. She was vague in her response and he continued to press her, She said it was wierd like she's just supposed to spill her guts in 2 minutes just because he asks. Then when she refused to get any more specific he said "ok we will be back". She is not sure what he meant by this or who he will be back with. So you can imagine she is a little nervous.

    Her husband was kind of surprised and said "man I guess they do watch you kind of close" he said if they came back again he would tell them not to bug her. He is not baptized or a publisher just studying so I am guessing he may be able to get away with that. I don't think this visit is in anyway related to the letter she wrote but instead is due to her letting her kids stay at the Valentines party and the fact that she has missed a lot of meetings. I saw her on Friday and gave her the disc with all of your info and encouraging remarks I also gave her a packet of information from a domestic violence center. I told her I had posted this letter and read her the first 5 comments earlier today. She wanted to know if others had similar expeeriences with WTBTS refusing to give information or sending other responses. I will wait a few days then save this thread and mail it to her. Thanks for all your help and support.
    edited because I accidentally bolded almost the whole post


    Hi All

    With regard to initials on WT Letters They represent different departments

    If the first initial start with, the following applies

    E = Executive
    S = Service
    F = Factory
    L = Legal



  • hungry4life

    oooh we made it to the executive department. What the heck does that mean? Thanks Jemimah

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