WATCHTOWER (Madoff) with your investment

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Terry

    If I were convincing you to invest your life savings in a guranteed investment based on "insider" information that made the payoff a sure thing

    and YOU ACTED to seize the opportunity---nobody would blame you for taking the plunge.

    If I assured you....reassured you....repeatedly that the payoff and reward was "any day now" you might well hang in there for a long time.

    But, at a certain point, your patience and trust would wear thin and a serious request for PROOF of legitimacy would hang heavy in the air.

    Again and again your resources for other things would be compromised and unavailable.

    At the end of your life when you need it the most you'd be no better off (worse) than when you started.

    It would be at this crossroads the real issue would become clear.

    You look at me (your financial advisor) and see how well I'm doing enjoying YOUR money while you have nothing but promises and hope.

    I flash a confident grin and tell you "Hang in there!"

    Would you forgive me for not admitting the only reward that exists is illusory for you?

    Forgiveness is a free ride at somebody's expense. Can you afford to give me such a free ride?

    Bernie Madoff had everybody's confidence because he lived a life of wealth and had plenty of important people believing in him.

    In the end, those people did not forgive him. They put him in prison. Very little remained of their investment to divide up.

    The Watchtower has had about 100 years to show a return on investment and has come up short again and again while the corporation lives fat and

    smug clinging to its Billions.

    The Pyramid scheme goes on with the help of "word of mouth" confidence game enthusiasm peddled door to door by millions of empty-handed, true-believing investors waiting for the payday that never comes.

    Who benefits? The corporation.

    It is time for an accounting.

    Long overdue.

    Forgiveness is only permission for the Watchtower to continue to bilk more and more unwitting victims.

  • wasblind


  • DaCheech

    thumbs up!

    I still hold the belief that the main corporation has shareholders on the board that nobody knows about!

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I still hold the belief that the main corporation has shareholders on the board that nobody knows about!

    Would these shares date back to Russells days when the WTS (PA) 1884 and WTS (NY) 1909 were formed, or are you thinking of the modern corporations post 2000?


  • newbndreamz

    Good one Bra'....

  • Finkelstein

    You could say when the GB members see the hundreds of millions the organization has control over, in realization there is a no refund policy

    on the money they received from people, this money and power creating scheme worked out well.

    Amazing things people will do when their own life is put into subjective peril, of course the WTS. has always known that.

  • DaCheech

    My mind hazily remembers an article in the mid 80's, but could be wrong.

    These people on the top do not necessarily have to be known (for goodness sake if they own it in paper, they don't have to be witlesses either)

  • Finkelstein

    In the United States, religious bullshitting is legal and can obviously be quite profitable. $$$

    In spite of the fact that the US, Canadian and UK branches of the organization post financial surpluses of 60 to 70 million

    in recent years, the WTS. will let it sit in banks creating interest and wont help the most needy in society,

    even to ones who worked so hard all their lives for the organizations, thats quite the immoral unethical fraud in itself.

    And they still hold their hands out for more, even asking to put debt on peoples credit cards or wills when they die .......Shameful

  • JakeM2012

    Terry this is a great analogy. I discussed this analogy with several family members and asked about their feelings with regard to the long line of unfulfilled predictions. Two indicated that they had too much involved to walk away now. One also said, "I have wasted my whole life."

    It is humbling and difficult to acknowledge that we were as WTBTS calls, "Hoodwinked." I've been at the point for the last 8 years that I'm not investing another dime into the WT's Ponzi scheme, like throwing good money after bad. I was able to fade after a few years.

    I just want to move on. I do think of all the money wasted on this Wt dream. If all that money had been used to help the poor, feed the hungry etc, it would have made the world a better place.

    Everytime I hear them talking about how immenient things are, it's like Berne Madoff sending another bogus investment summary telling me how much my investment has improved. So many witnesses have put down hard earned money, sweat, sacrifices of all sorts, for imaginary payoffs, not to mention the their lifes energy.

    Thanks, again.

  • Terry

    The freedom gained in leaving the Organization is completely unimaginable for somebody who is a member of the local Kingdom Hall.

    The world has been denied them a true glimpse.

    Everything has been mislabled.

    Knowing what you are not allowed to know is....well....unknowable.

    But, once the mind adjusts to not being told how to zip your fly or wipe your own ass it can be wonderfully refreshing!

    It is never too late to take control of your own life!

    The investment in a REAL FUTURE is worth what has already been lost. You never get back what is already lost anyway-----think about it!

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