Being politically involved is taking a stance against God

by ilikecheese 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ilikecheese

    haha So I know the public Watchtower from May 1st was probably discussed a while ago, but the logic contained in the article about religion and politics is so ridiculous. My boyfriend had one lying around when we were hanging out the other day. I swear, he leaves them around when he knows I'll be stopping by to see if it will interest me. If I do read it, I mostly just laugh about the nonsense. We used to legitimately discuss it, but I can't get past the the logic that most eight year olds could combat. :P

    Anyway, my favorites are:

    "What then, will happen to manmade governments? The Bible answers that the governments "of the entire inhabited earth" will be destroyed. If an individual truly believes that God's Kingdom is about to remove all man-made political systems, he would logically refrain from supporting those political systems. After all, if he tried to prop up doomed, man made governments, he would, in effect, be taking a stand against God."

    I also like how they talk about how Jesus not wanting to be anyone's king and how saying render unto Caesar what is Caesar's were "clear" proof that Jesus was not involved in politics at all. Then they said people were always trying to get him involved in the controversial issues of the day. Maybe I'm reading the wrong Bible; I guess I missed the bit about his constant refusal to appear on Roman CSPAN...

  • shopaholic

    Politicians are not fans of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have non-JW family that are well known in the political arena, and black politicians do NOT like that black JWs do not vote. A while back, a local politician approached the PO (COBE) about speaking to the congregation about the importance of registering to vote to at least vote on several propositions even if they don't vote for any person to get into or stay in office. The elder gave him the normal JW response. The politician then tried to talk with him "black man to black man"...nothing.

    That hall had much difficulty when wanting to buy more land, re-zoning, etc. They set appointments to speak to local leaders and the conversations were ridiculous...JWs really think they are God's chosen people and others are suppose to give them what they want in the name of Jehovah. When they didn't get their way, a talk was given about Jah's people being persecuted and Jah taking care of his people.

    Seems he did after more than 15 years...that's a long time for such a small task for such a powerful God.

  • Chariklo

    They twist the Bible to suit their own ends.

    If JW's were to develop political views, they might encounter other ideas which could cause them to ask uncomfortable questions.

    I have very strong political views, and was always brought up to believe that getting involved politically and doing something about it to make a difference was both my civic and Christian duty. Giving all that up to become a JW was very painful indeed, but like an idiot, I did it.

  • Pistoff

    Their stand on voting is simplistic, like everything else they talk about.

    Rather than understand that the followers of Jesus early on were following a Cynic like sage who shunned the world, the take it as being their cue to avoid political involvement 2000 years later!

    In the US and other free countries, JW's are parasites in a way; they deny their talented, bright people the chance to vote or hold office, though they exploit the benefits of free society and trash talk politicians, the political process and the concept of democracy.

    I notice they don't stand up in countries run by dictators and loudly decry the rulers there.

    They get the benefits of blood 'fractions', even though they self-righteously and falsely ( claim they do not take blood, and they refuse to help replenish the supply of blood for 'fractionating'.

    And the faithful sit and take this stuff in. Who is more at fault? The leaders who issue this nonsense, or the ones who follow it without question?

  • jgnat

    When Elders do a better job of filling in pot-holes than the local administration, I might consider that theocratic government is superior.

    Until then, I vote and pay my taxes.

  • designs

    But the Wt. Society doesn't mind spending JWs money on Lobbyists when they want zoning and building permits to go their way.

  • WTWizard

    I already take a stand against God--Jehovah God, that is. He never did anything good for me, yet he has done plenty of bad things for me and prevented too many good things from ever reaching me. Not to mention that there isn't a term where I could write the number of angels that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag has sent to ruin me right from birth, and have that number fit on this computer screen in legible type.

    At least Satan wants to help--which is more than can be said about Jehovah. He doesn't even want to let Satan help me--his angels, at his directive, block communication both ways and corrupt everything. Why would I not want to take a stand against that Jehovah?

  • wasblind

    Contradiction of the WTS


    Definition : The arrangement for making and administering laws. This By God's permission for a limited time."______Reasoning book page 152

    Governments maintain a measure of order. They rightly require citizens to be honest, to pay taxes and to uphold the law."______July 1, 2010 WT page 23

    " government officials have seized on the Witnesses nonpartipation as an excuse for persecution"______Proclaimers book page 674

    " In Malawi, they declined to by politcal cards. To do so would be a denial of their faith in God's Kingdom. Over a thousand Christian women were raped and beaten, nails driven in their feet and order to run."________Proclaimers book page 674

    Question: If Ceasars law have the righ to make a requirement, and uphold the law, why did the WTS let these poor folk suffer



  • wasblind


    It don't make sense to wait on the kingdom for relief

    When Caesars laws, which was allowed by God, provide

    a means of relief, while we wait on the kingdom

  • ilikecheese

    Thanks for the responses! I really don't get their whole idea on being completely separated from the government, especially if you accept assistance from welfare programs. (My boyfriend knows a lot of people in his congregation who do, even couples without kids who get hundreds of dollars in food stamps a month.) So get the benefits, but decry those who give them to you as evil/bad? Since Jesus was all about helping people, too, you'd think that voting for people who would do good things and being involved in government organizations that do good things (like the Peace Corps) would be considered moral!

    If this article is any reflection of their reasoning behind their stance, it's kind of cuckoo. I especially like all of their "clearly's" and "logically's." I know the constant use of those words convinces me!

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