Current or Former Elders: Please Refresh My Memory

by breakfast of champions 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    When I was an elder in the early 2000's, it was right about the time of the Barbara Anderson/Dateline NBC report, and I remember attending a two-day elders school. I believe Don Adams gave a part about child abuse, and from what I remember, he prefaced it by saying something like 'Unfortunately because some local elders acted wrongly in handling child abuse cases, it has caused huge problems' and so he went on to outline what to do in cases of child abuse, i.e. 'call legal.' Again, this is by no means verbatim, but it's the gist of what was said.

    The court documents in the Conti case reveal something else. This was not the act of a few 'rogue' elders mishandling a child abuse case. THIS CAME FROM THE TOP DOWN.

    So, for any of you current or ex elders out there, do you remember any statements like this at your elders school in the early 2K's? Effectively, the Society was throwing local elders under the bus instead of admitting responsibility.

    I wonder how many elders serving today would 'appreciate' this information. . .

    The correspondence between the local body of elders and the society can be found here, pages 20-23:

  • Balaamsass

    Your memory is just fine. I was an elder then, and considered a "renagade" because I did walk into a State police office with documents and evidence on a notorious molester who had moved into the area and I got in big trouble back then. "Walking disorderly" "Causing divisions". Also got a few late night calls from sisters getting beat, since they lived more than 15 min away (so I couldn't beat the S.O.B. back myself), I asked if they could safely make a call, then told them, hang up and call 911 now!

    Oh the accusations flew about me! Involving WORLDLY authorities, breaking up families and "bringing reproach on Jehovah's name. "

    What a pile of !#!#

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    BALAAMSASS - yeah myself and a couple other elders were considered 'renegades' as well, although it had nothing to do with child molestation. Sorry for your grief, but glad it got you out!

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