Is it okay for a JW to handle blood in a medical place of work?

by trailerfitter 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wasblind

    Just go to show how stupid, this blood doctrine is

    " Perhaps you recall that God told our first parents, Adam and Eve, that they could eat from every tree in Eden except one. But they disobeyed, ate that forbidden fruit, and lost everything. How unwise! Now of course, there is no tree with forbidden fruit. But after the flood of Noah's day. God again set out one prohibition for mankind. This time it involved blood."______Reasoning from the scriptures books page 75

    Question: Did Jehovah allow Adam and Eve to Handle the thing prohibited ???????????

    Genesis 3:3 " you must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it"

    Question: what does "New Light " show???

    How bad the WTS screwd up. Transfusions are not equivalent to the eating of blood


  • mP

    how can any jw work in a hospital is beyond me, given the pagan acknowledgement in the cadaceus , and pledges to greek pagan gods. lets not forget hospitals were orighinally jilitary facilities, so if jws are serious in thgeir anti military thing, thy should be avoiding hospitals at all times.

  • Scully

    It's NEVER a nurse's decision to give blood to a patient. It is a physician order.

    As a nurse, you are supposed to leave your personal beliefs at the door if they are in conflict with what is in the patient's best interests. If the nature of your employment creates such an internal dilemma for you (for instance, nursing patients who have therapeutic abortions, administration of blood and blood products, etc.) then you need to find an alternative form of employment rather than impose your religious beliefs and issues on your colleagues.

  • truthseeker

    I know a brother who worked as a nurse and refused to administer any blood transfusion. He asked to be transferred to another department. One can't help but think that if you train as a nurse, you will encouter some "conscience matters" along the way.

  • Scully

    One can't help but think that if you train as a nurse, you will encouter some "conscience matters" along the way.

    Exactly. You either suck it up and do the job, or you find a job more suited to your "conscience".

  • smiddy

    Was blind

    Do I read you correctly ? in asking, why didn`t God forbid the eating of the fruit that Adam & Eve ate in the garden of eden which brought about so much suffering to his creation ?

    W.B. I think this may be worthy of a new thread


  • smiddy

    So what about blood that is donated by donours that is processed in a laboratory,seperated by laboratory procedures,centrfuge etc. broken down into fractions and then accepted by jehovah`s witnesses ? Isn`t it WT policy to pour out the blood on the ground ,NOT to be used in any way ? If the blood of worldly people,under the influence of satan the devil ( their interpretation not mine ) is broken down into fractions and used by Jehovah`s Witnesses isnt this somewhat hypocritical ?

    After all JW`s cannot use blood and bone in their gardens without being brought up before the Elders for breaching WT policy.

    I knew a self employed painter/sign writer who did a xmas promotion for a butchers shop,and he was hounded and ostracised for what he had done.

    Do you see the hypocricy here ? The organization has no qualms about selling real estate to christendoms religous organizations when selling kingdom halls ,yet they will persecute a brother for providing for his family in a legitimate business.

    So getting back to the question NO, JW`s should not handle blood and any who try to rationalize it are hypocrites


  • jemba

    My PO father Elder for 30+ years has too much iron in his blood- haemachromatosis.

    The only place available to him to have blood drained (which is what the treatment for iron overload is) is the red cross blood collection centre.

    He goes there every month to have the blood taken. He says it doesnt matter what they do with the blood after hes left because its not his problem.

    Isnt this hypocritical? Shouldnt this blood either be poured on the ground or only used to make blood fractions?

    When I was a dub this stumbled me, even though I never brought it up with him.

    Now I just think hes a stupid hypocrite.

  • jemba

    In the meantime my Sister isnt allowed to sell cigarettes at the supermarket where she works, which means when she is asked to work on the cigarette counter she has to say no.... WTF??

    Mental rules!

  • blondie


    I thought if you were an employee at a store and incidentally worked as a clerk and sold cigarettes...

    *** w99 4/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers ***

    On the other hand, a Christian employee at a large food store may be assigned to run the cash register, polish floors, or do bookkeeping. He does not control what products are ordered and sold, even if a few of these are objectionable, such as cigarettes or items for religious holidays. (Compare Luke 7:8; 17:7, 8.) This is related to the next point.

    3. To what degree is the person involved? Let us return to the example of a store. Probably an employee assigned to run the cash register or to fill the shelves only occasionally handles cigarettes or religious items; that is a small part of his overall work. What a contrast, though, with an employee in the same store who works at the tobacco counter! All his work, day in and day out, focuses on something contrary to Christian beliefs. (2 Corinthians 7:1) This illustrates why the degree of involvement or contact must be evaluated in deciding employment questions.

    We ought to avoid doing work that would leave us disturbed; yet, we also should not be critical of others whose consciences differ.

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