How Long Should A Pedophile Be Shunned By The Church?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avishai

    Life is to short. I "was" a full blown alcoholic, the flaw in your analogy is that there is now a known, medical treatment for Alcoholism. Actually more than one, but i digress. There's been two fifths in my cupboard (not mine, someone i live withs) for the past year, and I have no interest in touching them, as the compulsion has been removed MEDICALLY, not spiritually (i.e AA). Now that I think about it, it is a good analogy. The craving is still there when you use a spiritual solution (AA) but is gone with the medical solution (sinclair method is the one i used). Chemical castration has been shown to have some efficacy.


    I agree with Black Sheep. Shunning isn't Biblical.

    As a matter of fact, I happen to know a couple of those guys (through gossip-imagine how many more I am unaware of). They seem very good brothers now, but that doesn't mean that I will EVER EVER let my kids get close to them or invite them to my house even for a cup of coffee.

  • cofty

    No opportunity for sex among adults leads them to be drawn to children - WTWIZ

    Complete and utter nonsense.

    avishai is right - chemical castration is the answer.

  • Balaamsass

    Much of this would be academic IF the person had been delt by the criminal justice system in the first place. He would be outed in the hall and the newspaper, then "disfellowshipped" by being put in jail for a time and "marked" by being put on the pedo list. His parole officer would check on him, and if he was truely repentant, he would cooperate with authorities, confese, and take his chemical castration prescription.

  • BizzyBee


    The Turtle and the Scorpion

    A turtle was happily swimming along a river when a scorpion hailed it from the shore.

    “Dear friend turtle!” called the scorpion. “Please let me climb upon your back and swim me to the other side of the river!”

    “No,” replied the turtle, “for if I do, you shall sting me, and I shall die.”

    “Nonsense!” replied the scorpion. “If I kill you in the middle of the river, you shall sink, and I shall drown and die with you.”

    The turtle thought this over, and saw the truth of the scorpion's statement. He let it upon his back and began swimming towards the other side of the river. Halfway across, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

    “Why have you stung me?!” cried the turtle as his body began to stiffen. “Now you shall die as well!”

    “Because it is my nature,” replied the scorpion sadly as they both sank beneath the waters.

    Furthermore, the Society, in their arrogant ignorance, puts way too much stock in "repentance." Repentance connotes sinning against God and seeking forgiveness and absolution. A judgement of one's peers should not be part of the equation.

  • NVR2L8

    Regardless if the pedophile is repentant or not, abuse of children is a crime that must be reported to the authorities. Suspicion of abuse must be investigated by the proper authorities and not by a janitor and a window cleaner...Once the situation is public knowledge, the parents can take steps to protect their children against this individual.

  • BizzyBee

    Regardless if the pedophile is repentant or not, abuse of children is a crime that must be reported to the authorities.

    Yes, I think this is the essence of the case.

  • soft+gentle

    this is a tough question, bubblegum, all I know is that since Jehovahs witnesses do not know how to deal with pedophiles without putting children in danger, they need t o modify their actitivies. Internet witnessing perhaps, internet meetings?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    As long as they live.

  • mP

    i wouldnt bother trying to task any churxh with a moral crusade. religion has never been about honesty or truth or goodness. if anything history shows all religions to be rotten w/ all forms of dishonesty and evil. all religious systems are corrupted they dont care about kids or the poor, never have never will.

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