? about the Lords's Prayer and JWs

by rekless 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    I was in the org. for 35 years, and it never once occurred to me why we never taught our children the Lord's Pray.

    Our Father who art in heaven hollow be thy name....

    Anybody have any reason for our ignoring the most perfect prayer offered up by God's son.

    My fiance' ask me this tonight I can't explain it except that it would have turned into a repetitive expression like all our prayers were anyway..

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • butalbee

    Yikes, isn't The Lord's Prayer like from all those pagan religions, namely catholic????????????????? Try chanting that at the hall, and see what happens............

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi Rec,
    What do you mean by "hollow"?

  • rekless

    no it is in the bible a prayer Jesus taught his followers.
    The chatolics may pray it so does all the other religious organizations except the WTS.

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • rekless

    Hollow was meant to be Hallow = means to make holy.
    Sorry I don't have spell check as much as I need it. So forgive me.

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • Naeblis

    LOL. It's more fitting the way you wrote it :)

  • ashitaka


    I think it's a beautiful prayer, and straitforward At least it makes sense.

    At the very least, it's not ten minutes of rambling, posturing, guessing, etc, like all of the prayers I heard in the borg.



  • butalbee

    The reason I say it is catholic is because it is something catholics learn for catechism, I know that for sure.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    nothin intended. no need for forgiveness.
    I find the whole Jw "mind control, live in fear" religion to be "hollow".
    After reading Amazings story of his journey out I decided to get Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience". I'm about 2/3s through. I'm now in the part about the witch hunts of the early 80s and what happened to a lot of innocent people including Ray Franz. I can only read a few pages at a time because I just want to cry. Have you read this book and how did it make you feel?
    The Lords prayer is truly beautiful and moving.
    Why would't anyone not want their child to know and appreciate it?


  • Alleymom

    Hi, Rekless --

    I was in the org. for 35 years, and it never once occurred to me why we never taught our children the Lord's Pray.
    Coming at it from the other side of the door <s>, I used to wonder WHY the JW's at my door referred to the Lord's Prayer so often in their opening spiel, when I knew from my reading that they don't actually pray the prayer. I guess it's considered a good way to "relate" to the householder and introduce the subject of the Lord's Name. But it kept bugging me that they would refer to the Lord's Prayer when they don't actually pray it.

    So one day when it was apparent that one of the visitors at my door was very new, I waited till the experienced one had finished mentioning the Lord's Prayer, and I turned to the other one and asked her if they prayed the Lord's prayer each week during their worship services. ("No, because it's just a model prayer" the first one answers.) Well, how often DO you pray it? ... NEVER?! ... You NEVER pray the Lord's prayer? Then why did you bring it up just now, if you never pray it as part of your worship? Don't you ever even hear it read in your worship service as part of the Gospel reading, since it's in the Bible? What does it mean to be a model prayer? Why did Jesus tell his disciples, when you pray you ought to say ...? That really bothers me, that you bring up the Lord's Prayer, but it turns out that you don't EVER pray it in your worship services. Etc.

    I could see that this was all getting to the new one. I prayed a lot for her afterwards, that she would take a second look before joining and being baptized.

    With all the attention on the "Prayer of Jabez" in the last year, I thought it was interesting to see that someone has a book out on the "Prayer of Jesus".


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