
by radar 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    I have never known anyone get disfellowshipped for over eating. For that matter I never knew anyone get DF'd for being drunk either. I have seen lots of JWs drink too much including elders.

    One elder got so drunk at a wedding he puked his false teeth down the toilet and flushed them away. He later (when sober) called a brother in the congregation who worked for the city to ask if there was anyway he could get his teeth back...I joke not. But I digress. I have, on the other hand, known several alcoholic JWs get DF'd. It seems totally unChristian to DF and shun people who need professional help with their substance dependancies. DFing them is merely sweeping the problem under the carpet. Is that what good shepherds as supposed to do? (Please excuse mixed metaphor)


  • chezza

    Excellent point here, how literally the scriptures are taken for the more "serious" of matters but these other things are ignored, in fact isnt the teaching that a sin is a sin, none more grave in gods eyes than others, and yet there are so many doing these "little" sins and it going unnoticed or not counciled on, one particular elders wife came to mind when i read this, on the numerous christian gatherings she was at were it was yourself boy did she ever help herself, and we are talking plate after plate after plate, it was gross to watch, but never a word was said, just shows even more the hypocrisy.

  • radar


    You Said :"Here we go again, same old crap. I suppose picking on obese people is acceptable. Go for it. Be judgmental"

    I was not being judgemental LB, just pointing out inconsistances with Watchtower policy.
    Neither was I picking on Obese people, only those fat buggers that hypocritacly enforce Watchtower policies.

    Prisca: You are what you eat. How many fat people came out of Belsan concentration camp?

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